I wired everything step by step for the toodles ps3 pcb but my stick stays going up or down
I will take a photo of the wiring
I wired everything step by step for the toodles ps3 pcb but my stick stays going up or down
I will take a photo of the wiring
that information comes with the board on a piece of paper
I guess it would have helped to open the package (idiot)
That same document is linked in the very first post of the Cthulhu thread.
I wired it up everything installed and it works but my stick is staying in one direction
Any help?
Most of the “my stick is staying in one direction” problems I have seen come from a problem with wiring of the ground. Can you take a picture of your wiring?
Here is some pics
My first install and didn’t get a chance the clean the harness since i can’t it to work 100% :looney:
You’re using the wrong tabs on the stick microswitches. You need to use ‘COM’ and ‘NO’ , NOT ‘COM’ and ‘NC’
Toodles to the rescue.
Can you translate this to wiring for dummies?
Look at the switches on your stick. CLosely. The three tabs are each labelled, one each of ‘COM’ (common), ‘NO’ (normally open), and ‘NC’ (normally closed).
Pull off the wire from the tab closest to the stick shaft, and move it to the free one. THe two tabs you should be using are the two FARTHEST (furthest? I can never remember) from the actual stick shaft.
Thanks again
Problem fixed :wgrin: