WIP Stick Art - Scrapbook

I’m developing another stick art simply because the bmw rim just doesn’t feel right any longer, if I’m recreating an arcade experience via fight stick over pad, it’s going to need to hit up a vector style, simple graphics and overall a retro feel.

I’m currently still working on this, but I decided to stop for now because it looks like i got carried away with something.


I going to keep the same elements but completely re do the composition, it looks like shit as of now… I’m inspired by the lines and windows from the Royal Ontario Museum and feel a few lines will create a huge ton of hype for this.



Got it Printed, but it starts to look weirder and weirder by the minute.
Here’s what it’ll probably look like, but I would like hear what you have to say about it.


As some of you are aware, I’m building my own stick, so don’t be surprised if it looks like there’s no template.

Older Message Posted 4-19-2010:
Looked at the wide range of ideas people used. Predominately, SF characters, random gfx, or a plain material finish.

I’m thinking, SRK holds many many people, and I have not seen a single template that has a THING to do with cars (except for that I <3 JDM one). I’m thinking, WHAT?! NO ONE IN THE SRK COMMUNITY LIKES CARS?!

So I decided to stand out. Although it is not complete yet, here’s a rough idea of how it’s going to be composed, I still have to render it (colour it and all). It’s a wheel, for those who are having trouble identifying what it is. No specific existing design, I made this up. Will include a tire as well. I also crossed eyes with a the Alfa Romeo 8C wheels which I also dig very much, I’ll post up a wip on that, after my exam this friday.


template stolen from some other guy here, a hori fs3.

How’s it look so far?

Mother Efing Bump for the OP

Looks sick dude. Love the technical feel of it.

Thanks…Technical? you speaking of the one on the FS3, right?

@ OP, bump.