It’s on the second of our weekly EURO SSF2T:HDR Tournaments we had 8 last week and it was not very hard to organize so hopefully we will get 16 this week.
Same rules as last week DOUBLE ELIMINATION default room settings best of 3 ROUNDS and MATCHES with the Grand Final being best of 3 Rounds best of 5 MATCHES.
All match-ups will be set via the TOURNAMENT MAKER software and the brackets will be randomly set and first round match-ups will be posted here Saturday night or Sunday Morning.
To sign up just copy the list and add your name to the bottom
NOTE::: SuperGyuTurboX was a no show last week and as he didn’t let me know. So he will not be allowed to enter this week. Thanks to SuperHeroV for stepping in, any no shows that do not give advance notice will be banned from the next week Tournament
OK were all set we have our 8 and yes its in 2 1/4 hours
If you don’t know how this is going to work at around 6:00pm if your name is 1st make a room with defaul settings and 2 people then invite ur oponent then if you win text me via PSN if you lose your not out you still can win
All games will be best of 3 in rounds and matchs apart from the GRAND FINAL will be best of 3 rounds and 5 matchs
then i will text ur telling to invite so and so or so and so will invit you
if you have MSN and can use it and play add me and i will sort the fighs that way
If I’m not working today I would join… how ever guys, gl & Hf.
Will be later around 9pm GTM1 if some of you guys still online, then we can have some fun, Yes I got fast connection here 2, won’t be any laggy, from Swe.
GGs to all the players and very GGs to RandomHajile and Davg for that really tense games!
GGs to neremixed for some random games after the tourney, you have a really good Dic!
Also GG to MALK-TURBO for the event organization. We all should play more often!!