Wow Ray, your observational skills are impeccable. Your memory, on the other hand…
id just like to say that i believe the saito kojima
This guy is so full of shit. I was at the tourney and I saw him covertly slip the stick in his bag and immediately vanish from the scene. I thought nothing of it cause i figured it was his stick, wow wtf, whatta shady person.
Pretty much this. I’ve played Dante since day 1 wtf are you on?
Still playing Derperine?
yupp, you still suck at trolling.
First off, you don’t have analogy skills. That was a fucking terrible line and you ought to shoot yourself for trying it. Secondly, and far more importantly, is a little thing I like to call google. A wonderful tool for the everyday stalker. Unlike Las Vegas, what happens on the internet, stays on the internet and in your case a fuckton of shit has happened on the internet. The mere googling of your name has popped up more results than an innocent person should have. In a nut shell, your utter douchebaggery is exceptionally well documented across various sites. I, in no way, shape or form, take credit for this googling as it was brought to my attention by other people but since it’s been more than a long time since I’ve come into this thread trying to start some shit, I’ve taken it upon myself to shit on your day. You’re a fraud. Do yourself a solid and quit posting. Or better yet, hop into a trunk and get into a fender bender so the next time anyone googles your name it will be attached to an obituary.
So what, this is now the “Let’s make up random new bullshit to sound like we know what we’re talking about” association?
Not only would that have been impossible for me to do, but someone from the rest of the Windsor players that went to the tournament with me, would have obviously said something about that long ago seeing how I was getting a ride from Sinoya and Avarice. Plus, HORIs are huge, and there would be no way in hell a thing that big would have fit in the bag I brought, along with all the shit I had with me. (My own PS3 stick, a 3DS, DSi, Xbox 360 controller, PS2 pad and a couple drinks)
So let’s not make up lies about other people, mm hmm?
Oh no, everyone! He found out that I wrote fanfiction three-four years ago, go on places like GBATemp, and had a couple arguments with a couple trolls on a random forum community! IT’S A CONSPIRACY RUN! HE MIGHT ALSO HAVE THE DRAGON TOOTH CHINESE SWORD FROM DEUS EX!
Seriously, are you just bored? XD
Shit… Sounds like we shoulda been robbing YOU!
Another troll account, the guy can’t even spell the name correctly or get the birthday right.
I must be someone really special if people are Googling the crap out me, making up random new bullshit and trying to pawn it off as “evidence”, and now making multiple fake accounts to talk shit.
On another note, 3rd Strike OE is out!
You make it way too obvious that you’re just another troll account, dude.
For one thing, the guy you’re trying to impersonate would never know what Uber Johnson is, has much better grammar, and would never even give two shits about being on this website. Ever.
Lol @ Massey story! If true that is pretty funny
Pretty easy when your post time is inconsistent with the guy walking around and SEEING this and laughing his ass off at you.
Geez, I know you’ve got shit all to do, Geoff, but come on. XD
It’s obviously just Geoff Mendicino trying to pose as my brother, too bad he’s not good at impersonating him at all.
Takes a glance at my Facebook to see what the name of the school I went to, and then makes up a story about it.
Yeah, I had a crush on a chick, but that was BEFORE high school, kiddo.
I’d have to give a bunch of props to my own brother if he can multi-task so well that he can play Deus Ex right infront of me and type these responses, while I’m watching him doing it. :3
Yeah, this is definitely a troll account.
He’s making fun of my brother’s dead best friend and there’s no way it could be him. I know him, of all people, would never say things like this.
Not to mention, if he really were him, he’d see all my information on the Facebook.
Who’s paying you to be an obsessive stalker for me, dude?
Heck, the damn guy you’re trying to pose as is sitting right infront of me.
You’re also replying everytime which is what the troll wants.
Ya word of advise Saito, listen to Diclawsus. The reason uberjohnson was made fun of for years was because he kept responding and posting. I have no opinion of you whatsoever, but if you want people to lay off, stop responding to the people trolling you and post messages less frequently on srk for a while.
successful troll is successful.
They See Me Trollin, They Be Hatin, Patrolling They Be Tryin To Catch Me Talkin Dirty.
Perfect Quote For All The Srk Trolls ? I Think So !!