Windsor Thread 2011

So do tell how it went legend.

he managed to win two games before losing to someone i’ve never heard of. (it was single elim)

No doubt while his brother was playing wow.

here’s the bracket.

Super Street Fighter IV Play Station 3 Tournament, Play Video Games Online for Money!

Let me guess…jackassoflore?

You shouldn’t talk Fuckclownsus!! At least I entered unlike you. Well whatever. I don’t care about losing anyways but it’s a good learning experience. The people I played were WAY better than any of you guys so I need to learn alot more about the gameplay better. There is always other tournaments to go to so I’m not worried. Next time I’ll do better.

Yeah isn’t like I’m a few weekends from going to play some guy with several wins against daigo. I don’t need to play money because I’m too poor to travel

I am legitly interested in your ideas for new nicknames for the rest of Windsor.

[x] Will be using Fuckclownsus in the future.

almost as good as smallnoodleman

I don’t think anything comes close to smallnoodleman. Hobo-Slow was a good one too though.

what about jailbait?

yes jailbait. im sorry but that one beats everything. he should copyright the miss use of that word.

Yeah I have a dozens of ideas for other names for the rest of Windsor or other people for the way they treated me. Jailbait, Hobo-Slow, FuckClownsus or another one for little Joey, Assclownsus and SmallNoodleman. He definitely knows he has one.:rofl::rofl: Give me some more suggestions for other names in the community and I’ll give you them. BTW, I came up with them so it’s my ideas. Copyright in the future.

I want you to make a funny name about JS Master and/or Rebelo

u could also make one about yourself that makes reference to u being stabbed with a screwdriver for talking too much shit.

Sure little Teddy. Here you go:

JS Master - BE Fatter, JK Jester and TS Transter.:rofl::rofl:
Rebelo - Blowbelo, Remodelo and Remellow.:rofl::rofl:

Oh FuckClownsus or AssClownsus whatever name people will call you from now on, I thought you are in the “army”? How come you have alot of time answering me? Shouldn’t you be in bed by now and wake up at 6 a.m doing pushups?:rofl::rofl: Dude if you are still in Windsor, nothing wrong with saying that you are. If you are in “Vancouver” and you have all this “time”, if I were you I should be checking out the SF scene there. They have an awesome scene there and believe me I played people from Vancouver online and I have a few friends who are from Vancouver. They are alot better than any of you guys for sure and even nicer too. Go there and check it out instead of bothering me and getting SmallNoodleman to come in and spy for you. I lost but I will not give up. You on the other hand, already gave up. 5 bucks!?! Not much to spend on if I do say so.:rofl: Take care FuckClownsus.

Oh and another one for Jailbait. Dairhead. Not great but okay I think.:rofl::rofl:

Is this still not enough to ban him? Fuck anant, seriously?

Also, Joe is clearly not in Windsor…

And come play anytime for fun and/or money. I’ll stream it up. We can do UJ vs. Windsor.


Did it, done it, DONE!!!

then u have no problems doing it again:O

and check the victoria page…join the group if u doubt me. hell ill throw u on my facebook so u can see the damned pics ive been taking. i back my shit up…u dont

then why not do it again?

i’ll even play on your inferior console lol.

though asking this is inherently flawed because it’s painfully obvious that you would be wayyy too afraid to even be in the same room as me.