Okay, I know that I have been lazy lately when it comes to tournaments, but I understand that. Anyways I have a solution for those XBox 360 players who wish to have a PS3. By Labor Day weekend, I hope to give away a PS3 to one lucky player in the DFW/Texas area plus some cash to others.
The Particulars:
The series will be a monthly series of tournaments that will fall on most third Saturdays of the month(see dates below) that will culminate into our Grand Finale at AnimeFEST 2010.
Players will be issued points in regards on how well they do in the standings of each tournament, and from there, the points will add up to a overall score to the free PS3.
The Venue is TBA, however, I should have something very quickly.
Registration fee is $10 to all events in the series except our finale and $10 per game in our series as an entry fee.
And just so that you know where the money is going:
Registration Fee
The venue must be paid off out of the money regardless of what else takes place with the money. Once the venue is paid for:
50% of the remaining funds goes to the PS3 while the other half goes to the overall finale points championship pot.
Entry fee
100% of the entry fee goes to the pots that will fund the prize money for both the finale and the series event. The breakdown:
60% first place
20% second place
10% Third Place
10% To the Finale pot for the game
100% total funds
Finale pots for each game are going to be the standard 70/20/10%.
The overall points championship pot(collected through the leftover registration fees) will be broken down into this:
First place: PS3
Second place: 50% of the points Championship pot
Third Place: 30% of the points Championship pot
Fourth Place: 20% of the points Championship pot
The Games:
Games are up for discussion, however, expect the classics like SF4 and Third Strike to be on the short list of games that will be staples in the series.
The Dates:
The following dates are what I have planned to hold these events. Any date that is in bold is a confirmed date in the series.
Saturday Feb. 20
Saturday Mar. 20
Saturday Apr. 17
Saturday May 15
Saturday Jun. 19
Saturday Jul. 17
Saturday Aug. 21
September 3 - 6th AnimeFEST.