Will ST(Casuals or Side Tourney) be at EVO this year?

I am thinking about going to las vegas this year and I know HD Remix will be there but is anyone bringing a ST CPS2 setup this year? I am traveling from NC but I cannot bring my machine. I know in subsequent EVO’s people have but I am not sure of the state of ST is outside of GGPO. Thanks!

HDRemix will not be at EVO this year. It’s a shame neither will ST. I would travel to EVO to play either one.

He said casuals/side tourney.

I don’t think it’s decided yet, I mean it’s almost February and the tournament is in the end of July…

He said casuals/side tourney.

I don’t think it’s decided yet, I mean it’s almost February and the tournament is in the end of July…

Well almost every year someone is bringing a cab to EVO.

If not, there will always be supergun setup as tons of people have superguns.

I hope someone brings supergun, I’m willing to record all of the matches possible off one station (no stream though, unless I get easy access to wireless!)

I sure hope there is a cab or setup (h2h) or something with elbow room hahaha. If not I have no reason to be at evo while in vegas hahaha. I’ll be there just for the vegas strip clubs, casinos, and beers though, not too serious about the new games at all. Please make this happen somebody.

i’ll have my supergun with me as well

I had my cab there last year. I’m planning on bringing a supergun setup this year. We should do a high stakes singles and/or team tourney IMO.

Hi guys, I need to know if there plans on being a tourney at Evo. I will stream the ST side tourney for us if we are running a tourney, and record. The tourney would need to happen, I’m willing to help, but I don’t want to be streaming/playing/running the tourney, I’d burn out way too fast. Papasi/DGV???

This needs to happen. Some wheels are in motion but nothing guaranteed yet…but the campaign for arcade ST at EVO has begun.

After all, if this is the real “world championships” then shouldn’t the game that started it all, and is still held and regarded by many as the best tournament game EVER, be there?

Anyway, I and the rest of the ST Revolution will be there.

Amen Brother!