Will SF5 be at EVO?

I went to EVO in 2013 and they had demos of KI for everyone to play. It was a pretty awesome setup, there was always 20-30 min wait to get to play. Does anyone think Capcom will be doing the same this year for SF5? I really feel like they going to have a special presentation on SF5 at EVO, even announce more characters and system mechanics at least. Im planning to go. Im going to book my trip and hotel next month. Anyone else from around here going this year to compete?


I doubt they’ll have playable SF5… the stuff you saw at the capcom cup was really really early stage. If they do have a playable version available it’ll be ryu vs chun li on one single stage. The queues will also be at least an hour long. I think it’s quite possible they’ll reveal more about the mechanics and maybe announce a character. I’d love to go to EVO, but I’m in London, so it’s really expensive for me. Not trying to discourage you, but if I had a choice to go this years EVO or next years EVO I would definitely choose next year. Good luck if you’re competing though :slight_smile:

possible but the queues will kill you :smiley:

Well KI had only 3 playable characters at the time. Ill wait an hour to play! lol

This is kinda foregone

But seriously, evo is so fucking far i hope we get a lot of news before that (and before E3)

I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. We have an upcoming SF5 exhibition with Daigo and Gamerbee this month already. I can see Capcom having a fresh demo ready for public play during EVO. That would be awesome.

I hope you are right, Im booking my trip next month.

When is this suppose Daigo vs Gamerbee exhibition going down?

The Taipei Game Show 2015 event is from Jan 28-Feb 1, with the exhibition taking place on the 31st. I’m looking forward to seeing Daigo use Ryu again.

Depending on what then show us between now and then, I don’t think it would be out of the question to even have a very small invitation only tournament. No prizes or anything, but just to showcase what they have at that time. o:)

Or at least see the “runback” between Mike and Peter. (more likely :()

KI was released that year. SFV is at least another year away.

True but KI has a different sell structure than normal fighting games.

I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility that they would have it there for people to try out. But I think it would be in a very limited form. By the way, EVO will be after E3 again this year and I expect them to have a bunch more revealed about SF5 (maybe even a playable demo) at E3, so I wouldn’t put it past them to further promote it with a playable demo at EVO if that’s the case.

Im pretty sure there will be a playable beta at EVO.
Its been like that every time they are about to release a new game.

I’d venture to say they’ll have a playable version of SF5 at San Diego Comic Con as well as panel for more announcements.
So a playable version at EVO is highly likely.
I suspect we’ll get something revealed every month, like Taipei will be January’s reveal.

I would be happy if by EVO they just show some of Ken’s gameplay at least. (Only character I care about)

Nah’ they won’t use it at EVO ever, just cause i guess.

It will probably be too early for a playable demo. The only thing I can see them do is showing off new characters and such.

I’m betting their will at least be a non playable display. Possibly a special exhibition match between 2 top players.

The only way I see a playable demo for the general attendee is if the game is a lot farther along come EVO.

They will likely have a big reveal at Evo regarding sf5. They might have a playable version depending on the pacing of the project. If they do have a playable version I imagine it would have 2 - 4 characters that you could choose from along with 1 or 2 stages.