Wii Classic Controller Padhacking for Tatsunoko

Too bad i dont have a wii for this mod =[

Well everything else is now working, so I’m facing the pain-in-the-butt required to get the shoulder buttons working…

There was an image posted that explained how it should be done, wiring diagram/schematic wise but unfortunately though I get the gist, I’m not super literate in these things…I have my NPN transisitor, my two 10kOhm resistors and my diode, but I’m a bit lost on the actual wiring, ie what the completed piece would look like all soldered together…anybody want to take a stab at it?


Image can be clicked on to see at full size.

Here’s how I take that drawing to say it should be wired. Though in my drawing, the Wiper, Gnd, and +V are most likley not in the right order cause I don’t have the PCB with me now. You’ll probably have to trace those out.


So you would have to wire power from the classic controller to the 360 PCB in order to do a dual PCB setup? I would be happy to check where to find pull the voltage from with a multimeter if this is the answer to my problem.

(My problem is that wiring up the classic controller directly to the inputs and ground works great until I connect the 360 PCB in a Madcatz SE fightstick. There are more details here. http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=223921&p=8430449&viewfull=1#post8430449)

Yes you do have to connect the power.

Yes this will work. OR you can do like I did and use a Inverter Chip similar to the trigger hack method outlined here.

I added the pins for both items below to the above pinout.

Unfortunatly the pics are not available anymore. Im planning to Mod my 360 TE with a CC PCB to play TvC, so any pics and more Info on this are appreciated.

Look at the picture I put up at the bottom of page 1. It’s a more up to date version of the original.

But to be honest, this method of hacking is useless now since Toodles released the PiiWee or you could follow any of the multiple MC Cthulhu mods using the the gamecube cable and netting a bunch of other systems in the process (PS3, PS1/PS2, etc.).
Go http://www.lizardlick.com/pages/boards.shtml to buy either.

Apologies to resurrect a 7 year old thread but I recently pad hacked a cheap(est) ebay wii-classic controller and found they are common ground and that the lower shoulder buttons only have a single button(no slider) but they report as button+full slider when pressed.

So you mean you’ve padhacked a knockoff classic controller pro? The classic controller didn’t have lower shoulder buttons, the pro didn’t have analogue shoulder buttons, and you’d be insane to use a non-pro controller since it can only restrict game compatibility.