Why nuki has problems

you swallow

good comeback scrub.

i was just reading some of your posts in other threads, and i think you might have brain damage. seriously, i think you’re retarded. your opinions are worth dick and you can’t provide any examples or arguments to show why your opinion should be even be considered valid. go back to your cave, learn to play, and just keep your mouth shut when people who know what they’re talking about are trying to educate you. got it scrub? :rofl:

wow…you took the time to go over my other posts?..you must admire me… you like me dont you

Quit projecting your sexual fantasies on the rest of us. While these feelings are perfectly normal, little Billy, for children your age, it’s just a phase. It’ll pass, don’t worry!

i actually just thought you were someone i knew posting crap to be funny. but i was wrong i guess. you’re just some scrub. :rofl:


Nuki does his poking patterns because he knows it is effective. Of course some of them might be vulnerable at a spot, he knows that. You may be thinking ‘oh, if you uppercut you break him’, yes, it may be true, but if you do it once, Nuki will make sure it will never happen again. He’s not a top player by accident.

Playing against a someone reckless might be hard, because he tries to do things that beat your patterns, but it’s risky. A good player knows how to fight against it and bait the unsafe moves.

Those openings that you saw, he is baiting a counter hit at the same time he is punching the defense. He might not trying to throw because he felt it wasn’t a good idea at that time.

those top players are not playing with thier ‘eyes closed’, they are playing observing each other, they know what’s risky and when to do it. Sometimes doing stupid things are the best way. Just take a look at JWong with his Cyke at last evo, those moves are clearly unsafe, but worth the risk in that situation.

edit: randomsuper
hey man, if everything goes ok, can I visit you? There’s a posibility that I’m going to stay 3 months at Orlando (or is it too far from Miami?)

WOW…vkuwabara…ive been waiting for a good answer to my topic like this. i understand what you saying. Oh well i guess thats his way of playing…if it works for him then ok…but i know what im saying and it works for me almost all the time.

and randomsuper…what makes me say your not a scrub yourself? or wtv the fuck this means ( super crappy uber bastard??)
or maybe saying things like this behing a computer screen makes you feel better about your loser self?

shut up bodler. you lost. go back to training mode scrub. :rofl:

vkuwabara, miami is like 3 hours from orlando. post up in the atlantic south forums. hopefully someone can help you out. if you’re in the miami area, i’m sure we can link up and get some games in though.


we know how exceptional he is to land that ‘pop…raging demon’, I think he spends about 10s preparing a perfect situation to do it.
if you think Randomsuper is a scrub, go watch some vids at youtube, you can find some matches.

Practice what he preaches, eh? :slight_smile:

i seen ur video randompooper http://youtube.com/watch?v=dzFy23GyJNE

good job on losing both matchs scrub…btw…look at around 8:58 - 9:00

this is only a little of what i mean when i say nuki needs more technique

i was playing on a d pad little boy. me and flash are friends so i let him use my stick and i took the pad since we were splitting the pot anyway. add to that the fact that i don’t use cammy, and it shows why i was playing pretty crappy. but then again, i’m not talking about how good i am so i don’t know what this has to do with anything.

if you’d like to find out if you’re actually any good, you could always bet it. ask rick, or ask anyone who plays cvs2 seriously you know who’s played me if you have a chance. more than likely they’ll tell you you’re going to get raped savagely by me.

anything else to say fondler? :rofl:

Your lucky that these people even dignified your scrubtacular thread w/ a response.

scrubby excuses…did you at least see what i ment when i told you the exemple of the video in wich you lost about technique? you didnt see this grab coming right? well this is technique, and thats only a little bit of what im talking bout.

I’m not even gonna respond to this thread anymore. This is way too entertaining. I’m just gonna make some popcorn, curl up on the couch, and watch the hilarity ensue.

Poke…Grab… Poke, Poke…Grab… Grab…Poking Grab… True tactics of a champion. I don’t even know how I ended in the Akuma thread because I prolly will never intend to use him, but seriously your mindless nonsense is rediculous. Just from this past evo, I did have the opportunity to play Nuki and his so believed “Unintelligent” playing style. There is a method behind the madness that is far beyond your understanding. HIS RUSHDOWN IS INTENSE… And due to the fact that Akuma is not one of the most buffed up characters when it comes to his defense, rushdown is a strong tactic for him. Nuki proves consistantly that his tactics WORK, so basically its a case of " If it ain’t broken… DON’T FUCKING FIX IT". The simple fact is that what you see on video and what you see in ACTUAL gameplay are truly two different things. And for myself actually playing him, he knew exactly what to throw out which was safe, caused pressure, made me panic, and basically led to him kicking my ass. The only thing I can say that I was happy about is that I was a few pixels away from knocking him out of pools in losers… But thats my own personal high lol. But to sum this all up, theory fighter doesn’t work here and as for the little tidbits you think would help his gameplay… I’m pretty sure he already tested that out for himself to find out which is a more successful tactic. Again, Nuki is not a top player just for the hell of it. Muhfucka WINS!!!

ya…well…thats part of the point…yes he can pressure…but dont you think that a person thats super good at pressuring would own his oponents more if he faked? in cvs2…for me there is alot of types of players…does who have just started the fundementals of cvs2, and that will react to anything that happens with a simple move, wich you can counter, they are very easy to beat, second, are the ones who are very very very skilled who can pressure you to death, but that never change their tactics ( like you know who ) and there are others that are skilled enought, and uses tactics. i prefer to be the one whi is skilled enough and uses tactics :slight_smile:

Sea of cheese are there any popcorn left??? Show hasn’t ended yet!

Just how Nuki’s tactics is as you claim to be linear and constantly the same. You are doing the same ass thing right now with your lame ass constant barrage of dumbass theories of why YOU think that Nuki should change his style up. So in a way you both are just alike, Nuki does his tactics of constant pressure to win and you do your constant post of stupidity to piss people the fuck off.

So I guess your a chip off the old block after all…