Why isn't there a real orochi iori thread?

He may not be all that great but he is different enough from normal iori, and strong enough to have his own real thread. And i don’t mean the thread at the bottom of this one i mean having his name on here with evil ryu.

i don’t know, it’s just a shame no one uses him.


well I asked the same question about evilryu and I dont think I got my answer.
but hes pretty much the regular iori except hes faster and has a different special.

but if they did have an o iori then theyd have to make an ult rugal or shin akuma which arent really important arcade wise.

they aren’t in the arcade and take damage like bitches. that’s why there aren’t threads for them.

So then why is there an evil ryu section?

Personally, I think you should just put an evil ryu thread in the ryu category and so forth. There’s no need to clutter up the forums. No one seriously uses these characters anyway, they are just for fun.

Personally, I think I like O. Iori more. I can’t really play either, but he seems cooler. He is like he had the angel/devil thing on his shoulder, but the angel got tired and left. That makes him a hard ass character. He is a lot faster, although he does have very little vitality. He is fun for some not serious games to run circles oround your friends character.

the FUCK is this?!?!

I play as O. Iori. :confused:

But then again I also play as him on C… haha

^What he said, and I JUST noticed the SnH Ryu forum, lol. I don’t see why we shouldn’t have a G. Rugal or Shin Gouki forum either; we have one for fucking Gill at the SFIII forum for crying out load.

Hey, the general rule is that if its not accepted as being the arcade standard, then its not playable in an arcade tournament and hence no need for a thread.
Everything else about this character is effectively the same as regular ol’Iori, just faster and perhaps more likely than not with less recovery on his moves or whatever just to make him seem faster.
Perhaps he does more damage.

In a game though where you have ratio 1’s destroying ratio 3’s or 4’s, potentially, obviously the “strength” of a character really matters little; having a stronger and more solid game matters more, using your particular weaknesses to bait attempts to punish matters more, etc.

—For fun, I use Shin Akuma, Ultimate Rugal, Evil Ryu just because they ALL can land the Raging Demon, and while they take damage like a motherfucker they deal a lot too so I just make sure that I’M the one dealing the damage.
Thing is they’re just for fun.
You can’t seriously play them in tourneys or whatever because you can’t unlock them in the arcade and they take too much damage, and in an environment where RC’s dominate they are simply too vulnerable to random shit hitting them.

For “fun,” I mean I play these fools if I’m playing scrubs at work who simply can’t hit me for their life, and on those rare occasions where they CAN hit me I figure they should hit for all the damage they can because they won’t get that chance often.
Really though you shouldn’t play for “fun,” you should play your business team and go all out every single time without deviating from your gameplan, even in casuals a loss is still a loss—wha, a money match don’t count because it’s not a tourney?

It’s amazing this thread keeps coming back.
It has a pulse.