The thing is, RC electricity is the EASIEST RC in the game or at least one of the easiest… It’s safe to do randomly from the proper distance to build tonnes of meter in a short time. As well, you CAN parry or JD it if they do the same thing all the time, but there are many options for Blanka from point blank range… If electricity starts getting parried, whiff electricity and throw, change the time of electricity, use a different strength, d.lkX3XXsuper!!!..
ricky is a very presistant player, and if a blanka has meter id still be going for it too…
Buddy, you’re on fucking crack. RC Electricity > small jump + run + Jesus AAA combined. Good players stick with one or two cheap tactics and win. Look at any fucking game and show me a single top-tier character that is complicated and/or hard to use. RC Electricity is whored because it owns. Paper fighters like you prolly think that N-Blanka is the best. But everyone who knows how fighting games really work knows that A-Blanka is the way to go (if you want to win) because random RC Electricity + hit confirm activation + random activation > any random bullshit that any other groove may offer.
this is REALLY stupid. learn how to fuckin play the game. n-blanka is no where near as good as a-blanka. if bad people only stick to 1 move, then why do japs just whore that move until they have full meter, 75% combo, repeat? sounds like one flat out strategy to me. but besides that, blanka is so fuckin versatile… don’t tell me he needs low jumps for mixups…wtf is he gonna do, low jump mk for the whole match? after knockdown, RC elec, there is SO much you can do…and if you’re a groove, you just added over 7000 damage, PLUS you gain meter super fast just by whoring rc elec. learn how to fuckin play before you talk. a blanka > any other groove blanka by so fuckin much (but c groove isn’t to far behind)
only retarded people mash buttons to do elec. you can’t even RC if you just mash buttons
the best thing against rc elec period is tactical advantage -> reversal DP/super, block and dp/super after taking the block damage, reversal RC, counter roll back, or JD the first 3 hits -> dp/super. hell, even (with gief) reversal SPD works (enough to actually make blanka really aware of doing it and maybe even make blanka do something else)
i guess good damage on hit or block, frame advantage, knockdown, good mixups that follow it, hit confirm cc, fast, invincible, AA, and gains meter super fast isn’t broken then.
that’s if i get the first JD. can you really punish after JDing it all?(when he stops that is.) i can’t do much other than throw/get teched. from what i recall he seems to be able to block my normals after i Jd the ‘last’ hit.
rc elec is good, but just take the chip, it’s probably safer that way.
hell even if you’re one hit away from being gaurdcrush, you might as well take the chip. it’ll probably save you from getting hit by the rc elec then eating the guardcrush right after.
i’m sure you meant N groove not S groove.
rc electricity sucks. i beat my grandma all day because she spams it. i jd the first gajillion hits because it’s so easy and safe, then i hit her with a super art combo. then i go get ice cream and she tucks me in and i remind her that i beat her because she spams rc’s all day.
what is the best way to punish RC electricity when people change up the amount they mash? Cuz it is hard to just super… cuz if they don’t mash… it recovers in time to block the super. And if they mash… then trying to punish its whiff as though they didn’t mash will fuck you over.
Right, go ahead and RC electricity either blantantly or on my wakeup. I’ll punish that shit with Yun, Sagat, and Ken on P groove. My Ken, Sagat, Cammy isn’t all about waking up. Its about rushing your shit down. I’m confident with both my sagat and ken skills against Blanka. You can’t jump in shit, you can’t blanka ball my shit, you can’t RC electricity in my grill, you don’t pass go and don’t collect $200.
P groove > A groove. You just don’t know it yet. I punish Sakura too. Her jump in, her hurricane kick, her fireballs. Its all punished regularly when you fight me.
can I have a little help hpw tp perform a RC elec?
I know it’s needed 5 inputs to begin shocking. I’ve seen in some videos players doing RC without a single punch comming out (and they were standing) how can it be so fast? Piano’ing is the best way but, how to do it so accurately?
someone money match him with rc blanka.
i cant since i cant rc electricity
i’ll do it!!
i’m a K groover so it should be no problem beating my Rc blanka.
i get A-vega/rolento too.
$5 2/3? not too much cuz i’m already playing a few “losing battles” money matches.
See you at Evo. :rolleyes:
Careful guys, he has vast X-box live experience.