answer to ALL “why people dont like/play cvs2” related questions. the shit is just too much work. most would rather play stupid shit like 3s instead. personally I liked cvs2 from day1. something about this game…its…ALWAYS fun :looney:
i dont like playing cvs2 it (im too noob) but its the best game to watch i admit
It really depends imo. Watching Justin Wong turtle in the corner until the time runs out is not all that exciting. I mean I respect his play style cause it takes discipline, but it’s just so damn boring to watch and it really kills the spectating.
i get the exact opposite feeling in the GTA…everyone says the game is hella long/boring to play, let alone watch. Which is sorta true… It’s almost always down to the R2’s to finish the game in the high level games, unless the skill level are just night and day, in which case it’s not all that exciting to watch anyways.
to them, it’s like watching a game go 3/5, and it’s ALWAYS down to the fifth and final round. That last round is exciting, but the stuff before it is basically pointless.
I wonder if the format was changed to straight up 3v3 (no ratio), if things would be much more interesting (in terms of the whole match).
If players should complain about anything in CvS2, it’s not RC its R2.
if its too technical then how is a game like GG doing so well??
Probably because the game system allows for fast flashy gameplay.
GG isn’t nearly as popular as 3S or MvC2, though.
what gives you that impression? GG consistently goes head to head with 3S as far as turnouts go in nearly every single tournament I’ve been to.
is that around fulton mall(nevin st I think) ?? I used to own that place too…ALL DAY ! sometimes I had 20+ win streak. there was no real comp there though(nothing like CF)
too bad they got rid of the machines now…I think they are under different management too. good games…
GG is nowhere near as technical as cvs2…
Yeah, Nevins.
i also think another reason is that capcom games are getting hard to find nowadays. I mean I didn’t really get into cvs2 until maybe a year ago? Maybe less than that but the only times I get to play are when i go to this house that is liek 30 mins away. I’d practice on my own if I could find a copy but its too hard to find.
Also since the learning curve is pretty high trying to learn and play against vets in the game is one of the most annoyin uphill battles. 3rd strike you can gradually learn things after learning how to parry and marvel has a system that accomodates all kinds of play styles so something is bound to fit.
cvs2 is more like chess, if you don’t know how to play it you’ll get fucked.
also at final round, there was a preettttttyyy good number of entries and I can’t think of ANY west coast person that went. And i’m pretty sure most of them were east coast folks. There are some players around folks. cvs still draws a good number of entries at evo no?
i dont know why people are hatin on 3s over cvs2… but the fact is… both games are great! and both takes a tremendous amount of learning curve… marvel is great too! it’s just that nowadays… people dont have much time to learn 2 games, much less 1 game… anyways this sh*t is so unpredictable… one year 1 game can be pop, then the next year something else is… now i wonder when ‘fighter’s history’ will be popular too lol
the reason why people like cvs2 is the same reason why they dont like 3’s , that and 3’s is slow
there was a thread on this (a year or two ago?), it was declared that CvS2 was too boring and Sagat beats everyone, so people can only use Sagat. Sagat does all the real work. Any other character on the team is just there to toy with the opponent while Sagat is getting ready… so therefore, there really is no variety despite there being at least 4 viable grooves and alot more than 4 characters that gets used.
it sounded like gibberish
We play all the main games, but the most played game here is CVS2 for sure. People around here don’t understand (and neither do i) why it’s not the biggest game on the planet. Such a great deep game… and most of us are always glad to teach a new person. This game is HOT!
I don’t think it’s a hard game to learn. To get good at it, that’s a different story.
and JD owns RC!
We agree on something albert cvs2 should be the best game on the planet people are too scared to devote time thats all.
^ time,energy,interest,execution,reflex,psychic abilities,etc.
you need all that and more to be a decent cvs2 player. most people wont even bother. there are other/easier options. learn ONE dumb shit and play 3s for like 5 years…liek omg urien super and overhead mixup for LIFE. and dont even get me started on the ST boys…spamming vega wall dive is supposed to be “skill”.
lmao yeah super turbo is fkn broken grabbed while in block stun is gayy
CvS2 is dying again here in the UK…its all about travelling to France or Greece to get local comp lol.
Stuttgart is also a hot place for comp^^ There are some rumors that people want to go to stuttgart tourney and then combo with london tournament^^ Expect some cvs2 players^^
I see cool, will you be able to attend Road to Evo?