Try using Chun Li.
Random pokes & kara throws = too good.
Plus the fact that I get accidental parries all the time, not sure why.
3S is a good game but it’s overrated IMO.
CvS2 > 3S
Try using Chun Li.
Random pokes & kara throws = too good.
Plus the fact that I get accidental parries all the time, not sure why.
3S is a good game but it’s overrated IMO.
CvS2 > 3S
they are really different games, so i don’t particularily like to say one game is better than another. Each have their own identity and all are very playable/enjoyable in different ways.
if you think those cancels are hard, doing neutral shosho dp’s make those cancels look easy, at least for me those come pretty standard compared to trying to do cc’s with Bison n Sak. Geese cancels for specials have to be on the 1st few frames it makes contact, so the cancels are more strict but his super cancel is more lax. kyo’s s.rh xx serpent super is just about quick your wrist action is to perform the super cancel. if you want it to be a bit easier then buffer qcb.rh, hcf.p
Doing neutral dp’s isn’t necessary though. You can shortcut em pretty nicely and consistently as long as you have good rhythm. There’s no way I could shosho as fast as Tokido or anything but I can definitely execute it consistently enough to make sakura viable. I do agree though that bison on the 2nd player is pretty damn hard when you’re right handed however. That’d take me quite a bit of practice.
And yeah, DR off of isn’t that bad but I swear, using s.hp is impossible to buffer off of. Why did they make it so hard T_T!
it’s not that its hard but that a close s.fierce with Geese has short activite frames and quite a bit of recovery I don’t remember the numbers but you are punishable hit/block by supers I believe cause I remember checking the recovery frames for it and I didn’t like what I saw. But If you can register in your brain a c.short/jab hit while hitting s.fierce no matter if it was blocked or hit then you can buffer quick enough for a jaieiken or reppuken for the safe guard string. if your trying to do a hitconfirm off a s.fierce into the deadly rave, its not worth the stress. your dmg output is better off with c.jab x2, xx deadly rave compared to a c.jab, s.fierce xx deadly rave. CH c.jabs are Geese’s BnB
this is going off topic so if you would like to continue this on one of the other more appropiate threads, that would be better
So how do we as die hard cvs2 players get more new blood into the game? being in the nyc scene for a few years i wish justin and sanford would play cvs2 more because…that alone would get at least half a dozen new kids trying to play the game instantly. i just plan on making this evo and getting hype with all the cvs2 players maybe …just maybe if we make enough noise it will continue to be a part of evo.
I also hear the XBL community is dead thats pretty disheartening…i suppose not being able to rc hurts XBL but you can still get some decent practice with your set ups …and zoning. 3s and marvel are games completely different from cvs2 obviously both great in their own right…but also have faults as well.
NYC CvS2 used to be fun, back when I lived in the city.
Used to be random players in BK. The scene at Port Authority was pretty good. CF was fun. There were always players around.
Of course… that was 2001-2002. Times have changed.
I used to play CvS2 online a couple of years back but I gave it up because of lag and droppers.
yeah i wasn’t part of the scene back then…i discovered PA first and thats where i started to get competitive with games…starting with marvel…and then game champ in bk but they have since killed both of those arcades…now cf is the only one left there is usually comp in 3s and marvel but cvs2 is on the back burner.
FS i dont’ know if you saw but there’s a tournament in tenn. soon wouldn’t mind gaming with you if you could make the trip.
Yo… I used to OWN Game Champ back in high school.
That place was so free.
I used to hit up Game Champ Mon-Wed, play for like 4 hours on 50 cents, maaaaaaaybe $1.00. Go to PA on Thursday, and CF on Fridays.
Game Champ used to be fun as shit though.
CvS is just waaaayyy too technical. There’s just too much to learn in the game, and a new player running into nothing but fierces from sagat doesn’t help either. RC is a dumb glitch, whether or not it saved/killed the game is another debate, but it’s a really stupid glitch.
As far as NY goes, i noticed cvs really started to die after the last tourney they had at CF in the fall of 2k5, i think it was around august or september. Oddly enough, lots of new players sprung up at random arcades on LI, dunno if any of them still play though.
thank you, that’s all I needed to hear. i did just that at havoc’s place with sagat btw:rofl:
Yeah, I saw it.
I’m not sure yet if I’ll go, but I definitely want to. I might be moved down to Nashville by then, which would make things easier. I’m definitely interested in playing as many CvS2 matches as possible.
why neophytes quit cvs2: they come to forums and hear all about advanced roll cancel tactics and try to learn them while forgetting that rc’s need to be worked into GROUND GAME. they also completely forget along the way to learn way more useful, more basic things like combos into a super/bnb/whiff punish.
why scrubs quit cvs2: we keep anti-airing their stupid jumpins and keep roll cancelling/ptf/shosho on them while simultaneously ROFL.
why semi-advanced players quit cvs2: theres no one to play against.
i just gotta say that the denver scene is pretty ill, they’re a set of great players up there. I have never seen such great p-groove players in action
rva is pretty desolate too.
If by RVA, you mean Richmond, then you should come up to the tournaments we have every month in Ashburn, VA. It’s a 2 hour drive, but I used to come up from further South than that…
Also, there are players in Colonial Heights/Petersburg that will play with you.
no one plays cvs2 anymore but like laugh said if u have 3 players that wanna be good u can compete with anyone.
i’m hoping to generate enough buzz in my area for like a 8 man tournament, but its really hard
just tell them there’ll be chicks n beer, then they’ll all come. just tell them they had to bring their own when they get there lol.