Pretty much what it says in the thread title. Why does the “WTF” tag bury posts after a certain threshold? Is that intentional?
It’s treated as a negative flag, so the general answer is yes.
Whats the point of having two buttons for flagging posts?
And positioning it between the “like” and “lol” buttons also misleads us over its intention.
Most “WTF” posts I see aren’t really worth getting buried. If people find harmful content in a post then they’ll usually just go for the flag button.
Well some people were abusing the Spam/report flag and there needs to be another way to bury points without labeling someone spam.
Alot of people report posts as spam when they should be flagging them as disagree.
Spam is for actual spam. If people are abusing that, they may get a first polite warning to stop using the Spam flag for non-spam and then if that persists they’re likely to get infracted.
Flags are generally not meant to allow you to be abusive towards other people. Just Ignore them and move on.
because people dont know how to properly use the WTF button. its supposed to be for shocking gross stuff
me saying “my dog puked in my mouth today” or something is getting WTF tagged when it should be LOL or insightful
Wouldn’t it make sense for flag to be called ‘report/bury’ and everything else to not raise a flag? Nobody sees ‘like, wtf, lol’ and assumes the middle one will actually bury a post, it’s counterintuitive to how we use wtf normally. The greater masses and new members will never ever use the wtf button properly no matter how many posts about it anybody makes. They just don’t read those posts…
Is there a place that defines exactly what happens when you click a post as any of those indicators at the bottom? What exactly happens when i click flag, off topic, insightful, disagree, agree, like, wtf, and lol?
Why not just change WTF to Bury or Downvote or something and place it next to flag?
Pretty much what it says in the thread title. Why does the “WTF” tag bury posts after a certain threshold? Is that intentional?
Shouldn’t this be the HHH button then?
It would be nice to know how we should report shitty spammy posts from other members. If we can’t flag as spam unless it’s a bot then we essentially can’t flag abusive threads.
It would be nice to know how we should report shitty spammy posts from other members. If we can’t flag as spam unless it’s a bot then we essentially can’t flag abusive threads.
New members love creating stupid threads that draw attention. People should just learn to ignore them. If you don’t reply to a stupid thread, it will eventually be relegated to further pages in that section and will cease to bother.
Now if the retard bumps his own stupid thread, message a mod.
Yeah, WTF shouldn’t be a flag-like button.
It makes the same amount of sense to make the Disagree button hide posts, too.
I don’t understand why this is hard to get
disagree = your post was on topic/relevant but I simply don’t agree with what you’re saying
wtf = why on earth would you post this? are you fucking retarded or something?
I don’t understand why this is hard to get
disagree = your post was on topic/relevant but I simply don’t agree with what you’re saying
wtf = why on earth would you post this? are you fucking retarded or something?
This is how I view both bottons
Scientology is the one true religion - DISAGREE
Part of me wants to hit LOL but you are entitled to your beliefs and I will respect that…
*Florida mother drives family into ocean because she heard demons * - WTF
Not the most messed up thing to come out of Florida, but it’s news.
I think thats how most people use the WTF button, at least in GD. In ImageMishMash we have a random gif and image thread, so there are plenty of weird things posted there.
I don’t understand why this is hard to get
The issue isn’t understanding the buttons. We know what they do obviously…
It just seems dumb to make a button like this and then turn it into a negative reaction. If anything it should have a more neutral function, seeing as how “WTF” can range anywhere between good or bad in terms of post content.
Almost nobody uses WTF correctly, SRK needs to get rid of it or change it to the same as “LOL” and have it be a neutral response rather than negative. If you want a negative flag, use spam/disagree or SRK should have a simple “report” flag button.
Say someone posts a news article like the one about the lady who had a potato growing in her lady parts as a contraceptive. Now my first thought when I read that is “what the fuck?” but I don’t mean it as a negative reaction to the post, I mean it as a “what the fuck is wrong with that person?” or “what the fuck is this crazy shit?” or “what the fuck am I reading?” it’s not always a “this is funny - LOL” reaction when I read it, sometimes it’s just utter confusion at the things people do.
WTF can be a reaction of amused confusion or surprise or contempt with the subject/content rather than disagreement with the post itself.