Why do you prefer ST over HF

i think st is more balanced

I like HF more, I’d probably say it’s my favourite Street Fighter overall - although a lot of that is nostalgia. I just like the package - ST’s new chars and supers didn’t do a lot for me.

I wouldn’t say HF boxer is a waste of time vs fireballers in HF either - TAP goes through projectiles… bull charge pah!


HF and ST are both great games to me, but I personally have more fun playing HF.

I like that HF doesn’t have supers, so no random super comebacks.
And as mentioned by others, the balance is great; it’s fun to see a lot of great match up variety instead of a usual group of top characters.

Which HF are yall talkin bout the one on AE or the one on 360 arcade? cuz the one on xbl arcade is fun but VERY flawed in character balance.

-bison, vega, n sim were nerfed a lil too much.
-It’ sooooooooo easy to throw so many bullshit throwfests on xbl!
-honda and blanka being way too powerful and having too much speed+priority not to mention even if u block hondas slaps u still take a fuckton of damage from them and blanka can cancel his forward roll into his upwards roll not to mention his j. RH has crazy priority:annoy:
-ken n ryus srk has 0 RECOVERY THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF UNFAIRLY CHEAP i go to punish there srk n they already startup another 1 to counter me
-chun is just a bitch overall and annoying to play against
-WAYYYY to easy to dizzy and redizzy it pretty much 99% guaranteed that 2 consecutive hits will always dizzy.
-no supers yes this is a bad thing for thos e who don’t think so cuz having supers makes the player with the momentum still stay on there guard without supers u can be as aggressive as u want without worrying about the repercussions more or less and i just think including supers balances everything more.

How the fuck can ANYONE think this game is “balanced” let alone the most balanced sfl? don’t get me wrong it’s fun n functional but there is so much bullshit sometimes it’s almost not worth playing and this game infuriates me at times making me say “how the fuck did he throw me?”:annoy:

AE n especially ST are a billion times better then this game i wish it never came out cuz then MAYBE ppl would play AE on xbl.

Most probably just prefer it because they know it better, not cuz the game’s any better.