BS comebacks with supers are fun
HF is garbage. jab srk is oh so broken. Plus the damage + re-dizzies. However, there were bonus stages
I wonder why they did bother to ditch the bonus stages, considering that Super already had them, and ST uses a lot of Super’s base code…
HF: I have to agree with some ppl here. The damage and dizzy makes it pretty annoying to play. Fix those two things and it beats ST.
ST: Don’t have to worry about dying after being hit once. I like the additional mix up game you can do with overheads.
Well its hard for me to say which one I like more because I love both so i’m just going to say what I like and don’t like about each.
HF pros: - Chun-Li’s fireball. It didn’t disappear and it was not a charge move.
- Balance. Like what R3ko said, the characters were made balanced, not the game engine balancing them out.
- The music. Gotta love that classic sound.
- Nostalgia. I say this for two reasons. 1. It was the last classic SFII and 2.It was the first fighting game I played ever.
HF cons: - CPS-1 chain. God how this use to piss me off when I played against the computer. - Damage & Dizzy. Very bullshit IMO, and I guess in most your opinions as well.
ST pros: - Tech throws. Man I love softening throws - 5 additional characters. I personally like variety, its the spice of life. Or so I heard.
- N.Ken. Finally he plays differently (kind of) from Ryu.
- Boxer. He is actually worth playing against FB characters now.
- Supers. Gotta love getting out of a tight with one move.
- Old characters. Don’t like supers (or can’t execute them with your favorite character) then use their old version.
- Zangief’s green hand. It really helps him out.
ST cons: - O.Sagat. Don’t really care much for him but I can deal with him. - Akuma. Fuck Akuma. The most broken character in any fighting game ever!
- Computer A.I. Capcom must have been smoking crack when they decided to make the game THAT hard. I’m just saying.
I can not stress enough that this is just my personal opinion. To be honest I like every SFII game. Their classics. They revitalized the arcade industry in the west, albeit for a short time. They were fun for people who didn’t play video games and people who played video games religiously. They were better then Mortal Kombat and if it wasen’t for them, SRK would not be around.
p.s. sorry for the long post. I’m just bored.
While my oppinion changes from time to time, I’m going to have to say I like Hyper Fighting more.
I guess I’m not the only one who thinks the A.I. was nuts… Btw Akuma/Gouki is a secret character for a reason, and he is banned anyway. (I wanted to save some room so i was only quoting the part i wanted to address.)
BTW… St wins cause of supers. nuf said.
Thing is, Capcom actually put a resonable dificulty on the japanese version of the game, the last 4 dificulty settings on the japanese version are the first 4 of the american/world version so the american version has 4 other dificulty settings that are harder. The PC port of Super Turbo has all 12 settings, but yeah I also find it retarded that the AI characters do jabs or shorts and your life meter is reduced like it was a rounhouse or fierce, and you do fierce and roundhouse and their meter goes down like you did a jab or short.
It’s not that its unbeatable, its just that for someone just trying out, it will turn them off to such a great game because of the difficulty of the ai. The one thing that pisses me of the most about it, is move reading it does at times… For example, You do Balrog’s jab dash punch and geif will spinning pile driver you for doing it. I can understand its a comp, but its really annoying.
I don’t.
Nobody wants to play HF though.
TOD’s are retarded though.
Not being able to tech throws is my main beef with HF. Otherwise, I like the lack of O. Sagat, and the toned down claw (you don’t give someone with that much range and mobility – not to mention the best wake-up game around – a reversal in a game where one hit does a lot of damage). Controllable limbs made 'Sim’s close up game maybe a little too good as well, so I dunno how feel about those.
I actually hate teching cause I don’t get thrown too often. I’m either the one doing it, or I zone and do low pokes or reverse the ticks.
I really don’t think Vega is as strong in ST as he’s purported to be… sure, wakeup 50/50 is great, but other than that I don’t worry.
Old Sagat is definitely dealable, as for Sim… also dealable. Easiest dude to stun.
Then again I’m drunk and arrogant so… whatever.
I love both HF & ST
But ST is way hard to have fun with. you need 2 Players to enjoy it…
I will give it ST another try on the Xbox tonight…
who do you think is strong then? please dont say ryu.
ST so I can use O. Fei and ST Blanka. Both are just fun characters. Also, ST Guile is more dynamic, thus, more fun. And yeah, Vega (claw) is good
But I probably played HF as a kid way more than any other game I’ve played in my life. If more people were playing it, I’d probably go back to it. But it’s sorta like one or the other for me. ST came after and the crowd moved to it. It’s the staple of the sf2 series.
I like HF b/c like most old school gamers such as myself, still keeps true to the old way of fighting, like no supers, tech throws…etc, and I also like ST for being everything that the old game is not, except maybe the characters lookin the same, the live version of HF is pretty damn good, but the console version that just came out on the PS2 sucks ass, gameplay is slow and the feel of the game is empty(CCC2).
I like them both, but I have to say I have more fun with HF. Not saying it is better or worse, just I like it more. Maybe it is just the randomness of ST that gets to me. I don’t know really. I think I can get more people into playing HF cuz EVERYONE played it back in the day and remembers it. When I show my friends ST they say “What is this crap? Put regular turbo on, mate.” So maybe I like whatever game I can get the most competition on?
Seriously, I have no idea why.
And that is all she wrote.
Obviously the top 4 are the best for a reason, I didn’t mean to say they were “weak” or anything, just dealable… although, I think Rog is the best/most solid out of them cause he has the best super, great ticks, fast pokes and hits like a train. Without Sim and Rog in the mix, O Sagat is the best guy. I was really drunk, so I’m sure it came off a bit scrubbish. Also, I get kind of arrogant when I drink. (I honestly don’t remember writing that post)
Personally, I play Bison/Honda and have a pretty good handle on how to fight O.Sagat and the Sims I have played. Also with Bison I can keep out Rog pretty well w/ stand mk/hk. As for Vega, if I can guess right on wakeup (or not allow a knockdown by cornering him as soon as I can) and pin him down it’s winnable, I can do more damage and not have a big block damage threat. Also, I can beat him air to air. I play a sort of Jeff Schaefer style of not jumping forward much if at all, and only hop fireballs so with Bison’s high neutral jump I can get through a lot of different traps. In general I like to throw out his safe kicks as well to stuff, bait, stay charged and zone. My forward movement comes from walking, well placed kneepresses, if I get a knockdown or opponent techs throw I slide, meaty cmk, lk tick or go for crossups… things like that.
I must admit that I do need to play better Sim and Vega players. The ones I faced in the BYOC at Evo East 06 didn’t give me any problems. Oh, I play Honda vs Sim… slightly better matchup due to the reversals and the Ochio, it’s pretty bad for him if I get in close. ;p As for fighting Rogs, I’ve played plenty of decent EC ones and can win Rog w/ Honda if necessary, Sagat is also ok due to headbutts/buttslams beating low shots. Didn’t play too many Sagats last year, but I’ve played that matchup plenty and know what it is basically. Both my guys are pretty safe from low tigers.
With my two characters, my worst matchups imo end up being Chun Li for Bison and Ryu/DeeJay for Honda. Flopkick owns Bison so hard, and I’d assume I can’t beat a DeeJay cause of slidekick shenanigans. I definitely think it depends on your mains which matchups “Scare” you. Also, if I get ticked when playing Bison… well, that’s the name of the game, don’t have to worry about reversing really. Random fucking character.
Probably capcom didn’t know what the CPS2 was capable of and removed them to save memory…
Or maybe there was glitches when a super hit a bonus item.
I believe customers were simply getting a little tired of the bonuses. You don’t see bonus stages in MvC2 or the Alpha Series, for instance.
As for HF vs ST, HF is much better for casuals. The game was probably 20 times more popular than SSF2 or ST. Its very likely than all your friends have played it to some degree.
To serious play, ST gets more tourneys, so its the usual choice. Both games have nice stuff, and its a matter of personal preference IMO. Some solid OGs prefer HF (Choi, Schaeffer, maybe others? ) and others go with ST. Personally, I like HF more because of the balancing. Not so much counter match thinking. Instead, more in game strategic thinking with whoever you want to play. And supers feel kind of weird on old SFs, IMO. Supers seems more appropriate for the versus series or other very fast, very crazy games (GG maybe)