Why Do You Play Fighting Games?

i only play it cuz the Thack batches like that shit…oh and i like seeing people get mad.HAHA fucken fagots

It’s a nice little distraction, I’ll tell ya that. I always tell myself that I am going to stop playing them, but I start right back up again.

I started playing ‘more’ seriously Freshman year of college when my new best friend at the time totally obliterated me in A3. Back home I whooped on most of my friends, but apparently I sucked and they just happened to suck even more than I did :rolleyes: I had no idea…

And only over the last year have I decided to start going to an occasional tourney.

I play cause like it’s been said, it’s just fun. I was hooked on SF ever since I shot a fireball in World Warriors when I was 10 or so years old, then when it came out on SNES and I finally mastered a Dragon Punch, geez.

Fighting games are so much fun cause they are one of the few video games where you can always get better. We’re all always learning and trying to figure new shit out. I mean geez I still have as much fun trying shit out in 3s, CvS2, etc. as the first time I ever touched the game, hell probably more cause I see so much more in the game that I didn’t when I picked it up. It’s not even about winning or losing, its just fun to practice and then play a friend, compete but also fuck around. Me and my friend played low/mid tier matches in 3s for about 30 matches last night, and it’s just bliss.

I honestly prefer fighters more than any other genre simply because I’m not playing some guy across the world who can call me any number of names over the internet, I’m playing the guy standing about a foot from me.

Quite honestly, the people who play fighters are a lot more respectful than people who play anything else.

I was actually into FPS mainly than anything else.
But for some odd reason, I got into fighting games. Started taking MvC2 seriously, and then when GGXX came out, I never looked back.

Another thing I like about fighting games is that they sometimes suprise you on what you’re really capable of doing. Almost all the “techniques” I’ve ever learned (TKAHVBx3, Wavedashing, HSFxwhatever, HGxxTempest etc…) I’ve learned under extreme scenarios mid-match.

In fact half of the stuff I do in matches I can’t do in training mode for some reason, if I don’t have that push I get no inclination to do the move perfectly.:xeye:

Well, for one it is entertainment that you control, pretty much the primary draw of video games. Since most games veer more towards competitive rather than cooperative, there is always that strive to get a game that gives an accurate representation of skill when played. Since fighters involve no terrain and characters that, while they have different attributes, all have preset options from the start of the match.

It’s great to smash people, also. As my friend pointed out to me yesterday during some 3s, “Sheesh man, that’s like the first match I’ve won so far. You seriously must have eaten your Wheaties this mornin or somethin.”

stop beasting plz

Because Sports games were never really my cup of tea.

I grew up playing at a young age and I think it’s a competitive hobby that I’ll carry on forever. I was also introduced to Street Fighter by my cousins and I wasn’t very good… But alot has changed since then! :wink:

The adrenaline rush during/after a game + and being able to understand higher plays are the best.

I love the feeling when I keep a character and stick to it, I can see the character grow. One day my character could only do j.fierce, land, lp, srk, a month or two later she’s doing a 40% combo that resets to extra 20% DMG, as well as having more patterns.

Plus, as Dan? says, the days when I totally know I’m on a roll is just fricking awesome.

Cuz thats almost all I’ve been playing growing up and I love em. Now its almost just competitive. Beat em up games growing up were the shit. Plus getting to see cool attacks and combos are great.

I play because it’s fun. I like the competition, I like the continual learning, I like the exercise it gives my brain. It forces me to think and act quickly and methodically. I like the characters. I like the “story”. I like watching other people play. I like cheering for my friends. I like fighting. But mostly, I play because it’s fun to me.


I play mostly for fun, against other people. I basically grew up playing SF and MK crap on the snes:rofl: I didn’t really start visiting arcades on a frequent basis until after graduating from Highschool.

I play because it’s become an intrinsic part of me, and because I just can’t seem to let the good old days of the arcades go, and I refuse to do so. I play because most of the friends I have, my REAL friends, became initially connected to me through these games. And I play because I think I labor under the misconception that one day these matches will become the events of legend…

i only play fighting games for fun, i’m not a competitive player. that being said, i play the games for the competition. i’m not really trying to sharpen my skills or become an amazing player, i just love the joy of beating the crap out of my friends and the friendly shit talking. i love the social aspect of competition, and i suck at real sports…

BTW what is the most genre-defining thing about a fighters IYO?

I just like fighting games, I guess :P.
What I like most about fighters are the character designs, music & moves. If a cahracter has a kickass1337 or flashy super/move I tend to like that character the most ^_^.

drug free way to sedate myself from ADHD

sniff, this thread makes me wish more people appreciated fighting games the way we do…

i’ll make a new friend and tell him i’m into street fighter and i just see them make this OMG face and it hurts on the inside.

although i am slowly converting a couple people.

Wit versus wit in a very interesting format.