Why did you main _______?

So you think an old psychopath obsessed with killing and pain is badass?

…Me too

Sakura because she’s pretty and plays aggressively. (dropped her)

Seth because he’s Sakura, but MUCH MUCH MUCH AWESOMER. And badass. And pisses people off.

Juri because she’s awesome. (on hiatus)


combos werent that hard to pull off
ultra set up is nice
good mix up
nice tick throw
tons of ways to get past fireballs
very versatile
combo machine
dizzys very quick
great resets

and hes just a bully when i corner someone. i love it

before SFIV and SSFIV I typically used the most popular characters in fighting games, like Ryu in SFII, Scorpion in MK, Jin in Tekken, Kilik in Soul Calibur, etc. So when SFIV dropped last year I wanted to try something different.

As such I was immediately drawn to the new characters, Abel, Feurte, Viper and Rufus. I realized early on Viper and Rufus didn’t really fit my playstyle. Around the same time SFIV dropped I had watched a show on the sambo fighting style and immediately identified Abel as a sambo fighter. I thought it was pretty cool so I rolled with him at first. Eventually I added Fuerte to the mix but I lost a ton when I first went online with him. Also, I think Fuerte is funny and I like his lucha libre style.

So Fuerte and Abel are my mains, but recently I’ve been playing a lot as Hakan. He’s just such a weird character but funny. I don’t know Hakan that well yet but I seem to win more often than I do with Abel or Fuerte, most likely because not many people I play against knows how to play against Hakan (spoiler alert: I’m ranked very low and face poor players in most of my matches /spoiler).

So yeah, Abel, Fuerte and Hakan. Had I just stuck with Ryu I probably would’ve become bored of the game.

I main Gief as i like the challenge of getting in on anyone who tries to zone. Throwing out RBG at random times with a life lead is fun too. Pretty much in genereal he is the funnest character for me. Mecha Gief doesnt hurt either :smiley: .

I just recently picked up Sim for an alt as I like to zone people out and hes always interested me but I never tried him out extensively.

I main Cammy mostly because I think she is a blast to use and the slowmotion neck snap when you KO someone with her Ultra1 is ace.

What’s RBG?

Boxer: I used to use pad and he was easy to use on pad. Plus his win quotes made me lol.

Dudley: I like 400 damage combos off of one correct guess

Hakan: Fun as hell, plus very dangerous. Easily one of the most technical in the game, imo (behind the likes of Viper, Gen, and possibly Makoto)

I’ve been maining Sakura for the last few weeks…it used to be M.Bison. While I generally mix up characters (I usually play with everyone), when I’m on a losing streak (more often than not lol) I usually go with Sakura, M.Bison or Rose. For whatever reason, I do alright with them.

She is one of the more bamboo characters in the game being very capable to bend towards defensive or offensive play. She is visually appealing to me and her exceeding depth has kept my interest (unlike Chun Li who drained my interest the more I learned).

Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken 6)
Same reasons as above. I like characters that can do most of what I feel is necessary, even if other characters can reach some of those objectives better. I also like a character that is for a long term relationship. I want to always be learning years after I choose a character.

M.Bison, his move set just feels right. I’m also working on getting my Seth competitive enough to take online, I love his move set and the way he plays. And the two seem to actually cover each others bad match up pretty nicely imo. I also use Vega and T.Hawk as dick around characters.

I changed my primary main to Seth, because it didn’t make sense to me that no one would pick him when he’s right there on the damn select screen. Back in Vanilla, the local players I met up didn’t even bother to unlock him and wouldn’t say why. It makes no sense. He’s got his own set of colors and taunts and costumes just like all the other characters. He got the lowest health in the game, the weakest damaage output and just about all of the stuff that made him so annoying to play in Vanilla SF4 got nerfed. Why should he be treated any differently? Because he’s a boss? There are like 4 other bosses on that roster, and nobodies has a problem with them (except for Vanilla Sagat). A good Bison is more of a pain to fight against then a solid Seth.

That and also because out of all the other characters I play (Feilong, Gen, Cammy, Gief,), Seth is the only one with effective links that I can do consistently. I can do them 90% of the time and they’ll lead to a whole bunch of mixups and potential damage.

I’ve had a “mainlationship” with Fei-Long since SSFII, so there you go. Chun Li, since I’m female, and she was the only one in the game, for the time being. That then moved to Guy in Alpha 1 and 2, because well, he’s attractive. And fun to play with.

More time went by, and I began maining with Charlie. Fun, offensive and defensive, plus, I make men run out of the store after beating them millions of times in a row with him. Plus, Charlie’s easy on the eyes <3

I play defensively with her because her normals suck for the most part. Once I get a knockdown I can go crazy with the mixups and the baits. But, until then I play defensively. With Cammy I can play how I want because she decent normals and an AWESOME walk speed. Makes me a lot more comfortable with using her.

I played Ryu for years. In vanilla SF4 I got really bored with him and found that his style just wasnt for me and i wanted someone much faster, and who wasnt as common. my first choice was cammy but it didnt really work out, slowly went back to ryu and found onehandedterrors videos and immediately fell in love with chuns play style.

twas a nasty learning curve though

guile because he is american and america is number one

Blanka: I never like Blanka in SF2 and was almost sure I wouldn’t even bother with him, But something just clicked, I was a 100% sure I was going to use Bison but Blanka just works well with my attack first, turtle later strategy.

Guile: So in SSF4 I was going to use Dee Jay my SF2 main. I was using Dee Jay when I decided to use Guile one day to see how bad he was since I heard he almost didn’t change at all since SF4. Then I was like =0, hes good? Use him all the time now

Viper because I’ve always been a rushdown player, and I thought she had the best looking moves/style in general.

preach it brutha!


  • love the personality
  • love the combos and mixups
  • pretty good at everything


  • sick punishes
  • angled fireballs make idiots angry