I’m sure if other donjon games got a console port (blitzkampf@!$RWFEg) they’d do well too. Or at least be more than a curiosity.
And I dunno where you’ve been, but since GG came out, nearly all fightings games have been inspired or gives some sort of nod to GG. (FADC) Just like when sf2 came out, there were a thousand sf2-clones, or when VF came out there was tekken.
lol how do you completely manage to misunderstand my post (its bc youre stupid)
people who write good books stand a chance of being appreciated by people who appreciate good books. the fact that most books suck and the audience for shitty pulp fiction is much larger than the audience for “literature” has no bearing on this. a james joyce or f. scott fitzgerald - pause for you google those - wouldn’t work in the visual novel genre because it’s patronized exclusively by fucking stupid nerds who wouldn’t be capable of appreciating their work.
Tsukihime doesn’t have to be appealing to you in order to play Melty Blood. I personally am not a fan of Tsukihime, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the game. It’s not like Capcom or SNK (means I see you have Ralf as an avatar) really have all that compelling of plots either. Its a god damn fighting game, the story means shit.
If you don’t at least sit down and try the game (i.e. learn how its played, and actually test it) you really have no say in if it is good or not. Then again, you could just be incredibly butthurt that CvS2 didn’t make it to EVO, and are determined to hate this game no matter what, based on some ridiculous set of arbitrary rules (Vampire Saviour has Vampires too gasp, doesn’t make that game bad at all.)
I’m not saying visual novels aren’t anything special. However, you can find your fair share of garbage in any form of media. Why am I not surprised you’re a sirlin fan? You pretentious twat.
Where the fuck did this awesome guy named Ben Reed come from? Figures a fellow Ralp player would have the same sensibilities. I also remembered back when we didn’t have anyone talking about visual novels here on srk, then there was that Gaia invasion and things were never the same.
All my shit-talk here is directed at Tsukihime, NOT Melty Blood. I actually kinda like Melty Blood. It’s not my favorite game of all time (I prefer my slow, pokey games because I’m a slow guy with slow fingers), but I don’t HATE it in any capacity. In fact, I respect Melty Blood for being so good despite Tsukihime being so terrible, and I’m glad to see it’s finally getting its props at Evo.
I have been learning the game on the side, actually. It’s kinda fun, although I was never too big on fast chains and jump-cancel juggles (ground chains I can do, but ask me to chase them into the air and I will surely drop them at around the first JC) but I like CvS2/SF4 better, and there’s not really any existing hype down in my area for MBAA, so I’m not gonna make a big thing of it. But make no mistake, I’m not gonna shit-talk the game either. MB has earned its hype.
Also, Vampire Savior is different, because Morrigan has a jetpack made of bats. That’s just sweet.
I like it, Ben Reed doesn’t. I don’t see a problem with this at all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The fact that Ben is writing a novel rivalling Tsukihime’s text in his hate is amusing.
Back to the actual question, I think it’s mainly the source material (type moon anything gets hyped up) followed by a fan following of the gameplay. It actually took around 4 years after the PC releases before an arcade release came out if I remember right.
I personally think Fate Stay Night was probably a better work writing-wise, but that’s another discussion.
Queen of Hearts Party’s Breaker is fun with all of the KOF clones like Terry girl and that girl with Yamazaki’s moveset. Has anyone set up online for it?