Why can't I win with Fei Long?

I seem to be going nowhere with him. All the pros at this game know how to wreck me using him, and I feel at a strong disadvantage every time I pick Fei.

-Flame Kick isn’t a choice recovery move. Guile’s flash kick, Ken’s shoryuken, and Bison’s jump kicking shut it down completely
-Chicken Wing is a joke to most pro players. Knock Fei out of the sky with Bison’s air MP or beat it before it even comes out using a faster move on the ground
-Rekka’s are easily punished, even if you mix them up. Wait for them to end, then sweep or throw projectile / Psycho Crusher
-Shortest ranged cr.mk and cr.hk
-cr.hp is easily to outprioritize and punish (Zangief)
-The SHORTEST grab range in the game. This makes tick-throwing impossible, but is 100% efficient for other players to tick throw or punish instead
-Chicken wing wiff in front of the opponent, or if they block, is 100% grabbable. You can’t flame kick out of it fast enough, or psychic players may read that and punish the flame kick instead.
-Flame kick rarely gets you out of throwloops (Ken)
-Very hard to get close to long-range players (E.Honda)
-Superior pokes and priority make some matchups nigh impossible without a corner (Chun Li)

I just don’t feel it’s worth it anymore. I know he’s low tier, but I didn’t think it would be that much of an issue. I’ve been playing this competitively since it came out in 2008, but somehow I wonder if there’s a point to it. All the other pros, like SuperiorTech83 and blitzfu, are smashing me in without any slight effort, and the rest of the pros probably live and breathe SF2; if not on HDR, then on GGPO or tournaments.

What can I do to improve my game, or should I just move on?

Flame kick is primarily used as an anti-air, or for close range (throw, low, uppercut) mixups. It’s a fairly easy move to safe jump when Fei is knocked down, so learn the timing of what a safe jump looks like. When in doubt, blocking never hurts you.

HDR’s chicken wing got severely nerfed imo. While the short version does go through fireballs on startup, it’s reduced priority and higher recovery really hurt Fei. I would use it sparingly as it’s no longer a solid lockdown tool, but short flame kick after chicken wing should still work.

If you know how to perfectly use rekkas, they should be safe against a majority of the cast if you know which version to use at certain ranges. Delaying the timing of your rekkas can often catch your opponents trying to counter poke or throw a fireball.

His low attacks have always been shit. They’re mainly used to test your opponent and see how often they decide to try to counter-throw you when Fei gets close. Once you keep poking them with the low, they’ll eventually simply choose to block low, which lets you go for tick throw setups. Despite his short throw range, it’s not something you can abuse until you start to train your opponent that you’ll never go for them, which is when the mind games start to creep in.

cr.hp should still be a very good attack in most of your matchups. It has decent range, good priority, and comes out fairly quick. It’s very effective for whiff punishing if you have the reactions to do so, or simply dart in and out of range of your opponent before hitting them with the low fierce.

Whiffing a chicken wing should never be safe. Be sure to learn the ranges of all versions of the CW, and only go for it when there’s no way they can walk out of it. Keep in mind that chicken wing turns on proximity blocking at sweep ranges.

No one can easily get out of Ken’s throw loops. It’s one of his greatest strengths. You’re better off blocking the safe jump, and guessing your way out of his mixups. This is a matchup where you absolutely cannot allow Ken to get a clean jump on you. Attack when you’re at frame advantage, and back off when you’re not. Against shotos, you always want to keep them perfectly at max range rekka distance. Anything farther or closer and Ken has the advantage.

You don’t want to get close to Honda. You have to learn to stay flexible in your matchup strategies and realize that you can’t just always be attacking your opponent and expect to do well. This matchup is primarily footsies based. Your st.fierce and st.roundhouse at a distance will stuff headbutt, buttslam, and hands attempts at a distance. Increased range on the rekka helps to do some chip damage on Honda while keeping you away from grab distance. All his jump attacks should be met with either a late-timed flame kick, or anti-air normals. Life lead is everything in this matchup. When you get life lead, sit on it, and force Honda to come to you. It’s a turtle-fest.

Since when is SuperiorTech83 a pro? He is garbage compared to the Bison greats…i.e. Demavrick and ExposedD

Aqua snake had an unbelievably good Fei Long.

He still does. Although he’s not 100% when he has to play on an arcade stick, he’s still a monster at handling the shoto matchup.

Wise-ass Ken players are my worst nightmare right now. They can Shoryuken out of ANYTHING, even hitting late when I throw the Rekka as they’re landing. Hadoken-Sweep traps are terrible for me and when I neutral jump, they change timing on purpose just to mess with me. And of course, their grabs are the solution to any trouble they’re in. I saw the first frames of my cr.mp come out and he still pushed it aside and threw me across the room.

Also, he did a Tatsu, I wait for him to land and throw out cr.hp, and he hits me with a cr.mk as if I didn’t even attack in the first place. I felt like there was literally nothing I could do. Baiting his shoryuken was only him baiting me to get hit by a second shoryuken instead. This was against zgundam46, btw.

Keep in mind that lag will make a pretty significant impact on the timing of your inputs and whether or not you can react quickly enough. ST is such an unforgiving game, that even a few dropped frames of animation will greatly affect whether or not you can punish certain things. Learning how to counter the fireball game can be difficult enough offline. I can’t imagine doing it in an environment with input lag, internet lag, AND dropped frames of animation that are critical to knowing when to neutral jump.

As far as the Ken stuff goes, over-aggressive Kens tend to do two uppercuts in a row if the first one misses. What you should do is just watch the first uppercut, which primes you up to anticipate the next one, and if you see another uppercut, it becomes easier to punish with a Rekka, especially with its extended range in HDR.

As far as fireball traps go, patience is the number one thing to keep in mind. It’s far better to block 5-6 fireballs in a row than landing on a single one, or jumping and getting DP’d. Try to pay attention to any pattern that they’re giving away. Realize that usually if they throw a fierce fireball as you’re already standing up and blocking, they lose frame advantage, which makes it a LOT easier to be able to neutral jump the next fireball, or counterhitting it preemptively with cr.fierce, or simply walk up and block. Some aggressive players like to walk up after the fierce fireball as well, or even jump forward against certain matchups. Best thing to do is simply wait for the slow fireball, neutral jump it, which gives you a split second to walk up and try to apply pressure.

Realize that throws are a 0 frame startup move. They come out instantly, which is why it seems like you can get thrown out of pokes. If you see them try to walk up and attempt a throw, cr.lk is a faster option.

As far as tatsus go, the easiest options are a) block one hit while standing, and then go into a flame kick, b) flame kick before the tatsu touches you, c) Do a rekka right before they land from the tatsu. Typically tatsu recovery has very few if any land frames, so it’s better to go for a mid-hitting attack than a low attack in terms of timing the counter.

I think Fei has a pretty good set-up going. I dread playing good players like kaospider. I think practice makes perfect, but yeah there’s definitely some disadvantage in picking certain characters, I know how you feel. Just keep at it if you like Fei.

Thanks for the shout Random. What’s your handle?

Durango, here are some tips for dealing with Ken:

If you notice that a Ken player has a tendency to shoot out consecutive DPs, the first step is to relax and understand that it is indeed punishable at midrange. If Ken does a light DP, poke him with a crouch MP WHILE HE IS IN THE AIR. I can’t emphasize this enough. As he is descending from the DP, you will get the poke every time. Just make sure not to stick out the cr. MP from too far away lest Ken recover from the first DP and nail you with another. If in doubt, you can also use cr. MK because, while it doesn’t have the range of Fei’s cr. MP, it has deceptive range and a smaller hurt box (where Ken can hit you) so Kens will often inadvertently land on the cr. MK because they misjudge it. When in doubt, there’s nothing wrong with blocking or even stepping back a bit. Once you get the hang of punishing the light DP with the cr, MP, you’ll be amazed at how easy the match becomes because you have sown the seeds of hesitancy in the Ken’s mind. He will be far less likely to carelessly fish with DPs.

Eltrouble mentioned punishing the light DP with rekkas and that is doable. However, in online conditions, it can also be treacherous because you have to correctly gauge Ken’s position in the air and that can be dicey online. I advise using the MP rekka if you do try to punish the DP in the air.

Being patient yet aggressive is the name of the game. You can often lull Ken players into complacency by blocking numerous fireballs. Try this trick to discipline yourself into becoming more patient. The next time you play a fireballer, block 10 fireballs in a row. Notice how little the damage is compared to what it would have been had you eaten just two of them.

At any rate, if Ken tries to zone you with fireballs, it is far easier to block the slow ones and then jump straight up over the fast ones. I know that this is counter to what eltrouble said but trust me, it is the way to go online. Ken’s slow fireballs in conjunction with Fei’s slow, floating jump will lead to you being knocked down more often than not in online play.

Once you reach midrange, keep Ken’s fireballs in check with your cr. MP, cr. MK, cr. HP, and even your standing HP from time to time. If you can read Ken’s fireball patterns at midrange you can really nail him with the following combos:

Jumping HK, st. HP, HP Rekkas x 3 (you want to make sure that you hit deep with the HK. Otherwise Ken can recover and nail you with a DP)
Jumping MK, st. HP, HP Rekkas x 3 (if you’re a bit too far away to connect with the jumping HK opt for the HK instead)
Jumping HK directly to HP Rekkas x 3 (if you’re too far away to connect with the HP when you land from jumping HK)

Note that you shouldn’t jump simply to try to land combos but, if the opportunity presents itself, a well-timed jump can be great. Also note that, if a jump-in opportunity is present but you’re too far away to combo, you can jump over a fireball and tag him with a singe attack (usually the j. MK) and then block. Kens often instinctively DP after they are hit with a shallow jumping attack. This can work out great for you because, if Ken does LP DP, you can use the aforementioned cr. MP to punish that. If he does nothing because he is concerned about being punished for a LP DP whiff, you can often walk up and throw.

If you’re playing an Ken that jumps aggressively, you have several options because Ken’s jumping attacks are not as high-priority as Ryu’s. The LK flame kick is ideal if you can get him deep while the other versions will often trade–but you will get the knockdown. You can knock him out of the air with Fei’s st. HP if he’s above you and you don’t have time to input the flame kick. If Ken jumps from too far away, you can also make him land in a cr. HP (or even two). Finally, your CW (either LK or MK depending on where Ken is in relation to you) will often beat Ken’s jump-ins cleanly setting him up for the HK flame kick juggle.

If you’re worried about Ken throwing, you can use your MK flame kick to keep him honest. It will beat his throw cleanly but, if you drop the input, at worst you’ll tech the throw. Obviously, this is risky but that comes with the territory playing Fei.

I’ll end with discussing what to do when you knock Ken down. Do not be predictable with meaty attacks. Most beginning Ken’s habitually DP after recovering from a knockdown. Thus, after you knock Ken down, you can hover at close-midrange just to test what he’ll do when he gets up. If he’s a DPer, just poke him with cr. MP (anywhere on the playing field) or LP Rekkas (if you have him cornered; this will begin the knockdown head games anew). Once you’ve established that the Ken must be thoughtful when he gets up from a knockdown, that opens up many options to you.
You can overhead and then block in case he tries to LP DP (at which point, be ready to punish). You can overhead and then flame kick (in case he tries to throw). You can do deep meaty cr. HP x 2 for an easy two hit combo (in case he tries to reversal throw on getup). You can do a meaty cr. HP and then overhead. You can overhead, pause, and then overhead again. The possibilities are nearly endless is you train Ken not to toss out DPs.

The more you play, the easier Fei’s matchups become. It’s usually going to be uphill but Fei has a chance in most of them.

Thanks guys. Now tell me about these people.

-Chun Li

M.Bison has a way to out-range everything I do with MK and HK. Outprioritizes everything I do, then does the ambiguous crossup combo to finish me. I can get him in the corner and keep nailing LK chicken wing, but then he’ll just do standing LP to get me off of him before escaping or going in for the kill. Also, Bison players abuse that grab like no other. I can’t chicken wing out of his tick-throws, I can’t counter grab, and they always find a way to get in for the throw. Plus, they love to bait the L flame kick and punish with a kick.

Dhalsim I just keep nailing LK Chicken Wing. I don’t dare use Rekkas on someone who can keep nailing me with fireballs. He slides under the LK CW and goes for a crossunder. Getting to him is problematic, but his counters once I’m close are even worse.

Zangief isn’t terribly problematic unless he stays in the corner and does lariats. I can’t get close enough to crouching HP him. Plus his crouching HK always beats my sweeps and crouching HP.

Finally, Honda is practically unwinnable. I read somewhere that you can use turtling and HP to keep him at bay, but once he finds away to get close, it’s pretty much abuse the grab, hand slaps, and butt stomps while using torpedo slams to mess with you and beat out everything you do.

Edit: Adding Chun Li to the mix. Like Bison, she outzones Fei completely; all her normals stuff my own. Kikoken-Sweep trap is nigh impossible to get by without trading (in the best case scenario). And once I push her to the corner, she just jumping back MK and standing MK to break the low-chicken wings. This might be the hardest one yet. Also, blitzfu used her and her jump actually passed right through one of my chicken wing kicks. I can’t keep her in the corner, and midscreen, it feels like a 2-8 matchup in her favor. And tick throws are completely impossible against a Chun player, notably the one I mentioned who’s godmoding everyone in the 4-man room I’m playing in right now.

Dunno if you remember me, Kao, I ain’t been on in a bit, but my PSN is SSj4_Ryuk. We had some matches I thought were fun. See you around some time.

I consider myself an okay Chun, and I think I can tell you what Fei does to get under my skin at least. Nothing specific, but the biggest problem I have is with Fei’s pressure. If I slip, usually I’m in a bad position after that. Fei seems to thrive at a medium distance. I’m not good enough to detail the play-by-play, but this is my experience. Sorry I can’t be of more assistance.

I’ll just speak on the matches I know about. Dhalsim can be a pain in the ass, but realize that his limbs don’t do any chip damage. If there’s no chip damage, then it’s not really a risk or losing strategy to simply walk up and block (bulldog) your way in. At least this will establish a pattern that the Sim player will use to keep you away. Fireballs at a close distance can be jumped on or chicken wing’d through. Your cr.fierce is an excellent counter poke against his limbs if he whiffs it, or you can even fish for it at sim’s max st.fierce range. Your best jump attack seems to be j.jab or j.strong depending on the range at which you’re jumping, along with favored anti-airs of the Sim player. Random flame kicks seem to be the most ideal way to land a hard knockdown and start your offense against Sim. You HAVE to use rekkas against him. Sim has so much start-up on his fires or flames that usually you’ll hit him before it even comes out. Once Sim is in the corner, or you’re in max rekka range, use them to fish for counter pokes, and hit confirm into the last 2 rekkas.

Gief’s sweep out ranges you, but you’re not supposed to be doing cr.hp randomly. You only do it as a whiff punish against Gief’s whiffed low attacks. Try your best to bait them out and counter hit with cr.hp or rekkas if you’re feeling gutsy. If you do a rekka, make sure it’s a max range and safe rekka, and always jump back with jab to avoid getting caught by SPDs. cr.hp is a pretty damn good anti-air against Gief, as well as st.jab at far ranges. Stuffs everything gief does.

Honda v. Fei has actually gotten better compared to the ST version of that matchup. st.fierce and st.roundhouse both are great tools to shut down Honda’s hands, headbutts, and even buttslam options at certain ranges. Not much creativity allowed here, you’ll simply have to play the footsies game, and be 100% on top of your anti-airs. You cannot let Honda get a single jump or buttslam against you, or else it’ll end the night pretty quick. Every jump should be met with a flame kick, and every buttslam should be punished in the same way. You can sometimes beat buttslam clean by using an early cl.st.fierce, but flame kick is a safer option. Lame out and use the life lead to your advantage.

As always, check out youtube videos on how to deal with these specific matchups.

Hanashi is one of the best Fei Long players in the Rekka business. Here’s a youtube vid showing him playing against almost the entire cast:

Hanashi Kumite

If you scroll below the vid on the youtube page, you will see each character listed (eg Chun, Dictator, etc) with a link to the left at the time in the vid.

YURI is also a very good Fei player that I like, you can search for vids of him too.

I already sent you an XBL message to search for vids of Hanashi or YURI, you really should take the time to watch vids of pro players if you want to improve your game.

And I’m not a pro player. I’m not even in the minor leagues. I just play casually for fun.

Durango, it might be a good idea to take a look at Street Fighter Dojo. It’s is a wonderful place to see the best of the best go at it.

Here’s Fei’s page: http://streetfighterdojo.com/superturbo/feilong/feilongmatches.html

Pay particular attention to Noguchi’s matches. He is easily the best Fei Long I have ever seen. For instance, in his matches against Mattsun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=socdEt9T0Bw#t=86s) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=socdEt9T0Bw), he’ll give you an idea of how to be patient against fireballs.

Noguchi was essentially dead to rights in a couple of instances but used a combination of blocking fireballs, neutral jumping over them, and well-timed jump-ins to turn the tide in his favor. You have to remember that, as long as you are still “alive,” you still have a chance.

Let’s take your trouble matches one by one. This might be a bit lengthy but I’ll try to distill info into quick important points that you can integrate into your game immediately. Sure, there’s more to these matchups but there is such a thing as information overload when you’re just starting out.

**-M.Bison: **

From mid-range, standing HP is your friend. It will often shut down Bison’s scissors and crusher if you connect at their startup.

Be patient and don’t force jump-ins against him. He has aerial superiority and Fei’s jump is very floaty. If you become careless with jumps, the best Bisons will make you pay severely. With that said, jumping from mid-range (and when I say mid-range, I mean within about HP Rekka range) can be a good idea from time to time. Jump in with a LP to maintain control if you are above him. From there you can go into throw (most predictable option), st. LP to throw, cr. LP/LK to throw, LK/MK CW, hop kick (forward + HK) to HP/Rekka/throw/CW etc.

I can’t emphasize this enough: do not try to do predictive flame kicks. Sure, they’re awesome when they connect but, more often, they will leave you defenseless and Bison can easily punish missed flame kicks from half a screen away with his pokes and quick horizontal attacks.

Be ready to inch your way forward while remaining alert to block scissors/crushers. The better Bisons will make sure that only the second hit of their scissors connect so that they aren’t too close to you when they recover. That way, they can quickly jump back out without sustaining damage.
If you do notice that a Bison is silly enough to do a deep scissor (for two block ticks) be sure to thank him by CW in his face. Mix up the strengths between LK and MK so he isn’t sure whether you’ll flame kick afterwards, throw, or poke him to set him up. If you see a Bison do a HP crusher, nail him with HP Rekkas x 3. The best Bisons will only HP crusher to escape traps or to finish combos but the run of the mill Bisons will use them arbitrarily. Teach those Bisons a lesson with Rekkas.

Let Bison do the work for you. Bison’s strongest position in the matchup is at a distance from you. They’ll often jump away and to make you lose patience so they can try to score cheap knockdowns to TOD combos. If you notice Bison’s jumping away, don’t jump in or CW after them. Simply walk forward while they’re in the air until they corner themselves. This match is considerably less difficult once Bison is cornered.

Once Bison is cornered, the key is to mix it up. Mix up your rhythm to keep Bisons off balance. As always, don’t jump in predictably. Bison can elevate faster than you can and will punish ill advised jumps with MP juggles. Stay at midrange and stick out st. HP to stuff any scissor/crusher attempts, sneak in hop kicks, overheads, and, once you’ve scared them out of doing anything, you can often jump in freely to set up throws or CWs. Bisons will routinely jump backward while in the corner hoping that you’ll Rekka right into a TOD combo. Thus, use Rekkas sparingly. Instead, when you see them jump in the corner, you can make them land on cr. HP from a distance.


Be patient. Have you noticed a recurring theme yet? Dhalsim thrives on forcing you to make silly mistakes. If you’re patient and block fireballs instead of trying to jump forward, you can give even the best Sims fits.

Rekka, Rekka, Rekka! You can safely fish for Rekka combos by using the HP to MP Rekka string. If the MP Rekka is blocked, then finish the string with a MP/LP Rekka. If you connect, finish with HP Rekka.

You will regularly see Sims mix up their fireballs with flames. If you see Sim do a flame from a distance and it doesn’t make contact with you, you have a chance to score some free damage. The key is to wait for the flame to nearly dissipate and then to nail him with the HP Rekka string. Onscreen, it will look like Sim is still spitting the flame but its hitting frames will have expired and you can Rekka right through the flame that you see onscreen. It’ll take practice but, once you get the hang of it, you will put the fear of God into Sims who try to use the flame.

You cr. HP regularly. It will often stuff or exchange favorably with Sim’s slides. Also, if Sim does a yoga fire from mid-range, you can sometimes crouch beneath it and hit him scot-free with the cr. HP.

Use a lot of the same corner strategy against Sim that you do against Bison–only this time, work in Rekkas and use cr. HP instead of cr. MK.

I love the hop kick in this match because it closes the distance and because it has a high dizzy rate. If you connect with both hits, try to finish the combo with a cr. MP. Sure, you can combo with st. HP, cr. HP, cr. MK as well, but the MP comes out faster than the HPs and has greater range than the cr. MK. If you connect with any one of these combos, you’re all but guaranteed a dizzy.

When Sim jumps away from you, don’t jump after him–Fei walks faster than he jumps. If you see him do a drill you can mash st. LK to stuff them 100% of the time while well-timed st. MK is effective as well. I prefer LK because it’s hard to miss with and will knock Sim back…that much closer to the corner.


With all due respect (that is, a LOT of respect) to the great Jiggly Norris, I think this match is best played defensively. You want to master three moves: st. HP, st. LK and st. HK. The st. HP keeps him at bay on the ground and if he jumps in from a distance. The latter two moves will counter his jumps from midrange. I prefer the st. HK because, of course, it does more damage but the LK is fine is you aren’t confident with the HK timing.

The Rekkas and CWs should be done very, very, very sparingly. Rekkas will often be met with Lariats for an easy knockdown. You don’t want that. The Rekkas are most effective when you have trained Gief not to expect them.

In the videos that we’ve linked to, you have probably noticed that the CW is very effective against Gief. That is NOT the case in HDR. It’s not unusual to see Giefs laughingly absorb the CW hit and then pile drive (due to the CW’s recovery, Geif can recover from being hit faster than you do from performing the attack). Or they can Lariat the CW. Or they can block the CW, wait for flame kick and then sweep. Or notice that you don’t flame kick afterward and then pile drive. Long story short, you want to save the CW for when you notice that the Gief likes to jump a lot (or you have forced him to try to jump thanks to your solid ground attack). This will score you free juggles but you don’t want to make a living by throwing out CWs.

Stay alert! Gief can close the gap very quickly. He has three primary tools to get around your ground pokes. From most to least scary: green hand, forward hop, and running bear grab. You want to learn what the start of those moves look like so you can either poke him out of them using cr. MP (best option), cr. HP (good option), or st. MP/MK/LK (these are solid if your timing is good. Otherwise, you risk a trip to SPDville). You can also just jump away from him while covering yourself with a j. MK or j. LP.

Those tools that I mentioned can be used against him. How? Bait them by doing feints such as st. LP or st. MP from a distance, pump faking (wiggling the stick to make your opponent think that you’re going to do a special move), and swaying back and forth to keep him off balance. When Giefs think that they’ve lulled you to sleep, they’ll do one of the aforementioned moves to catch you with an SPD. Little does he know that you were actually trying to bait them when you pop him with a st. HP!

Be wary of the Lariat! Giefs will try to bait you into attacking them with cr. HP by doing strong Lariats from a distance and then pile drive you when try to attack beneath it because it has deceptive recovery. When in doubt, stay further out and poke with cr. MP. If your opponent is trying to stupefy you by doing Lariats a full screen away, don’t waste that chance: charge your super meter by doing flame kicks on the opposite side of the screen–all the while remaining alert for a sneak attack.

Your j. LP outclasses most of Gief’s jumping attacks. If you see Gief jumping carelessly, you can use the j. LP to poke him out of the air and then jump away when you land or bait the SPD and then flame kick.

Deep meaty attacks aren’t advisable against any fallen grappler–especially not Gief. Instead, you can do a shallow cr. HP as Gief is getting up (so that your hands are just making contact and you aren’t elbow deep). Don’t do meaties every time you knock Gief down because Gief can easily counter with a light Lariat (otherwise known as the Guided Dragon Punch).


Standing HP is your best friend in this match but you don’t want to become predictable with it because Fat Boy will just time it and nail you with a headbutt.

Something most Feis don’t utilized is his st. MP in this match. Don’t be like most Feis. The st. MP can stuff headbutts like the st. HP but is noticeably faster. The trade off is that it doesn’t have the same range as the HP so Honda can trade more often. I’d say that the pros outway the cons and this move is worthy of inclusion. Mix up your attacks between st. MP and st. HP to throw Honda off balance.

Jump away MK can stuff headbutts. Furthermore, if Honda does a HP headbutt while you’re jumping away with the MK in the corner, you can then nail him with a st. HP to Rekka x 3. Just don’t try the j. MK when Honda has a super charged!

When you knock him down, cross him up. If he is hit/blocks, just finish the Rekka string. Often Honda, will do a butt slam to “escape” the crossup. Remember that the butt slam has recovery. If he butt slams, make sure that you greet him with HP Rekkas (just don’t do them prematurely or you’ll end up beneath him!).

Use the same shallow meaties that I mentioned against Gief.

CWs should be used sparingly and, when they are used, you should opt for the MK variety. It comes out faster than the HK so it’s easier to juggle with (if he headbutts) and keeps you from getting too close to him (if he gets hit or blocks it). The MK CW will ensure that you don’t have to follow up with flame kick if Honda remains grounded.

Once you get a life lead, back off and make Honda come to you for a change. You can often force him to jump, in which case you can poke him out of the air with st. HK, j. HK/MK, or make him land in cr. HP (depending on his aerial attack) or flame kick.

Honda is one of Fei’s worst matches and, all things being equal, you might lose more than you win. But if you face Hondas that are less skilled than you are, you will can win 90% of the time despite the handicap. There’s hope!

-Chun Li

You can keep her in the corner and you will. You just have to be patient because Chun is another character who will annoy you to death.

The reason that Kikoken to sweep “trap” is so effective against you is that you are jumping in from too far away. If you jump from too far away, she will recover in time to poke you out of the air with any number of her attacks. You must neutral jump from a distance (be sure to cover yourself with neutral j. LP).

At midrange, you can poke her with cr. MP which will often stuff or trade with Kikokens.

If you notice that she likes to neutral jump and light kick (a common Chun strategy) you can walk up and make her land in a cr. HP.

If she jumps away, walk forward. A projectile character can’t throw fireballs while they are jumping away–seize that opportunity to close the gap!

Don’t forget to go Rekka fishing. You can do HP>MP>MP/LP Rekka strings fairly safely.

Once you have her cornered, don’t make the mistake of thinking that you can mindlessly CW your way to victory. While LK/MK CWs are effective (you absolutely must mix up the strengths!) so are cr. MP, cr. MK, cr. HP (be sure to continue to make her land on it when she neutral jumps in the corner), overhead, j. LP to CW or to cl. HP to CW or LK flame kick.

When Chuns are cornered,they might try to bounce off the wall to escape. Under no circumstances can you let that mistake go unpunished. Either make her land in a deep LK flame kick. Or do an early MK/HK flame kick (so that only the last part of the second hit connects with her while she is elevated) and then do another HK flame kick for a juggle (note that you can also go into a super if you have it).

Finally, throw the bleep out of that wench! Mix it up between your punch and kick throws and soon enough she’ll be doing upkicks out of desperation, in which case you can punish with a Rekka, flame kick, cr. HP (x2 if you’re close enough). If she techs your throws, you can walk under her, jump after her, or CW back into her face to wipe her out before she knows what hit her.

Last word: a common mistake that Fei players make is thinking that they have to hurry once their opponents are cornered. Take your time. The rushdown is most effective when your opponent knows that you can wait it out as long as they can. It’s surgery after all.

Thanks for the tips. But please don’t say you’re not pro. I’ve been playing SF2 on and off since HD Remix came out, and you’re up there with the rest of the best I’ve played. It’s hard to get good in this game, but it’s fun so I keep playing.

Admittedly, my favorite is Mortal Kombat. I can still give Forever King trouble, and he ranked #4 in EVO last year. I’ve played it more, but it’s also an easier game to learn. I’m in the midst of Tekken and BlazBlue part time, but SF2 is the second fighter I play and it’s a steep climb for anyone as far as I’ve played. I’m gonna start watching these vids and see what I can learn, and I do appreciate the help.

Also, I use any character, low-tier or not (Ryu, Ken, Zangief, Cammy, or E.Honda) and still get the ever-living crap beat out of me. So it’s gonna take some time to adjust to everyone.

Key stuff here TC. This is gonna make you or break you on players who know their shit good. You need to remember this every time you keep getting shoved out. That mentality will carry you very far with Fei. You absolutely CANNOT give up with him. There is always a way!!

And thank you for the humbling : P

TC Check out my YouTube channel. I have some Fei fights recorded against several name players on HDR and ST players with Fei Long.