Who Would YOU Suggest Playing Next?

why’s it matter if he’s just being a vain dick. you could blast him in the nuts all day for his behavior or you coulda did like that one guy did and went “Viper”. which would not onlypiss him off but get your point across

Lmao this.

Really now, “throw out a name and see which one sticks”? Really? Seriously bro? Why couldn’t you just go to the character selection screen and do that? Like Geese said, Laziness.

I’m not the type of person to bash new players, but Geese Pants and the rest are right when they say “play something else”. This isn’t Final Fantasy where we give a shit about what job you pick. If you want help picking a character, you won’t find that here.

And just as a heads up, pointing out other community members’ grammatical and spelling errors is a sure shot way to make yourself look like a douchbag. I care more for people who have sincere questions more than people who are just too lazy to get anywhere themselves. Sorry if this comes off as harsh a lil.

Anyways, pick a character that you like, that way, when you win or lose, you can’t blame or praise anyone else but yourself for your decision.

This is pretty much the case with most threads like this. This new person to srk wants to let everyone know he’s new and here so he makes a thread. The only problem is he doesnt really have anything to post so this is what we see.

Play Akuma like I am :slight_smile: He’s hard as hell to use but so much fun, and execution-wise he’s not the most demanding character at all (I even completed all his trials and am making a combo video soon). I’ve been thinking to co-main Rose once I get better at SSIV in general.

Someone without a DPM.

In my opinion Sagat is REALLY fun to play. He needs to use all of his buttons for footsies, his combos actually require practice and attention, and every move you make has significant risk. Because he can’t walk well you have to dash, kara, and jump everywhere. He has a good AA (trade uppercut :D), good ultras, very useful normals, and good zoning. He also has a lot of health so you don’t lose to 1 bullshit ultra. Anti-airing people with Sagat from 2/3rd screen with kara TU is awesome too.

Honestly if you play Sagat well in Super I can’t do anything but respect you.

I dunno, he didn’t seem that mad at that guy, but who knows, maybe its such higher level sarcasm it’s imperceptible to me.

Either way, its pretty annoying. At least your typical “pick my character” thread is a clueless person who genuinely feels they are appealing to experts, as opposed to this thread, where it seems like the OP is just asking for the next character to waste 3 hours on before getting bored.

Keep using Dudley! Why stop? Oh no you been losing some matches and are having a hard time getting better, BETTER SWITCH CHARACTERS!!!

If its an issue of not having fun with certain characters, sure go ahead and try some new ones. Don’t try and find someone who will help you “win more”, you won’t have much success going about it that way. Hell, just pick someone who you think looks cool and stick with them through thick and thin.

In the wise words of someone that is teaching me the basics of the game:

“You gotta learn to be a real ass with one character in ssf4 before you even THINK about learning anyone else.”

Well, this didn’t go exactly as planned. I’m sorry for causing such a disturbance and meant no offense or to betray my laziness by asking for you guys to throw my dart for me. I will legitimately take all the suggestions into account, including the ones telling me to continue with Dudley.

Once again, sorry. Also, there was no need to flip out at Geese Pants, Qweets, although I appreciate trying to defend me. Thanks for your time.

Also, I think Zega’s advice is probably the best I’ve ever received.

^ the one who said that might be wise but those words aren’t. learn anyone you wish