Who will take the ST Title @ EVO World?

I’m interested to see what people think.


That’s flamebait.

No idea, depends what Japanese players come. Choi?

I say an og player will take it

FYI, the only confirmed Japanese players at this point are Gian, kky, and nekohashi (a decent Ryu player, but not one of Japan’s best).

Daigo will probably go, but he is unconfirmed at this point.

P.S.: I think Gian will take it.

Definitely not you.

DXP will take it.

j/k probably some og. go u.s. players!


One of the wolfes.

I think you got a strong chance as well dxp.

Can wait to see how afro does as well.

Ya the wolfs are pretty beastly

DXP, Gian, or a Wolfe.

Assuming DXP doesn’t try picking Deejay against Justin again. WTF was that? I thought you had that match 2-0 with balrog from the start.

I think Gian will take it…

Gian Free!!!

Gian rape!!

  • I don’t mind who takes it. I want just see great matches.

However, I would like to see my buddy Cole take the whole thing, or see AfroLegends (he’s been working his ass off) place deep in the winners bracket.

damn dxp, didn’t know you were so good at video games until i saw the evo DVD. no wonder why ur not great at marvel, you’re gdlk at ST. lol j/k, well, we’ll see if u go to Evo West

good luck this year at ST, hope i get to play you in marvel, and ST cuz i wanna pick up ST (if you go to Evo West that is)

John Choi all the way!

I wanna see some capmaster in action.

gian no doubt

That last option was a good catagory haha.

SO right now the OGs and the Japs are pretty much tied.

New school gets no love :sad: