Who should be Deshiken's opponent for Kemonomichi?

Seems like they are having trouble finding someone spicy enough to match vs Deshiken in January. Who do you think it should be?

We already had the most interesting matches with Kuroda a couple months ago so I wouldn’t choose him. Deshiken has also played Boss recently and there was that FT10 with KO. He met Hayao in Coop Cup last year so that isn’t as interesting anymore. Possibly Rikimaru to avenge his pre coop cup loss to Deshiken but again they have matched several times already.

Yakkun RX Kokujin Issei believes KO is the best player today so let’s see that runback.
Nuki Haitani MOV are also good options.

Rikimaru and SHO played him couple months ago but nobody uploaded it.

not sure what form he’s in really but when they play it’s usually very exciting.

Mimora !


Going down the list from the top, tier wise with the respective best players of who we haven’t seen him faced much of, also who could actually put up a fight

Nuki, MOV
KO Yun
RB Urien

This man. Without a single doubt in my mind.
The absolutely strongest Yun of the modern 3rd Strike world.

Deshiken already played Kokujin and KO recently, and we’re all tired of seeing him get pit against Chun players.
… SHO is the way to go.

looks like it’s gonna be Nuki O_O

It’s Nuki, alright!

Well, Ken versus Chun is a classic, I guess.
Let’s see how Deshiken fares out against the original Chun monster.

I would like to see more hayao vs deshiken matches