Your right about HP stopping long range drills, but you got to have good reactions, otherwise you’ll end up trading (in your favor) or being beaten. So if you can’t get the HP, then go with LP, just smash it, it will stop LK and MK from medium to long ranges.
Up close is where the problems are at. If your lucky enough not to be in block stun when sim tries a drill, you should be able to jump MP before the opponent gets the drill out. You can’t do scissors and crusher as they will get hit.
As long as you don’t let yourself get stuck in the corner, bison should be able to put good pressure on Sim with his Pokes, and punish whiffed limbs with scissors or crushers. Also since sim doesn’t have a reversal, when you knock him down you can jump in or cross-up thanks to bisons’ long jump.
This match is all about not letting the other get in, cause unlike some of his other matches, i don’t think sim can afford to sit back and just react to what bison does, hes got to take the initiative, and put lots of pressure on Bison so he doesn’t have the freedom of moving around and taking advantage of the massive damage his pokes deal out. Bison on the other hand needs to get those knock downs to start his cross-ups, jump-ins, throw mind games.
Overall i’d rate this match as a 50/50, but in no way do i think Bison is higher than Sim in the tiers. Its my personal opinion that Sim is the best legal character in the game. He has a move for every single situation and can be played in anyway you want, and i doubt he has a single bad matchup. Only a few characters can really trouble him, such as Honda, Chun and Vega, but no where near to the point of hopeless. Bison has a few hard matches especially Honda and Chun. Gief, deejay, guile and rog can also be quite bad.
Bringing the convo back to N.guile vs O.guile. I think you gotta go with N.guile. Sure O.guile has got some advantages, like standing HK, kepting his charge on Backfist and standing LK. Hes really just a shadow of his CPS1 days. Most of his moves have had quite a nerfing. N.guile has to be played totally differently from his past versions and i think this is were people tend to fall over.
Looking at N.guile’s moves, most notably his controllable MK, advancing HK and crossup LK. N.guile is more geared to being an offensive character rather than his old defensive orienated self. Cps2 guile’s booms are no where near as good, they come out further away from his body, meaning its no longer good to keep up with other fireball characters, but the recovery is still good. Now St guile has got more options than ever before to follow his boom. Also closing the gap after a boom is much better with HK than the Hop in most situations, But N.guile still has the hop so its all good.
Sure St guile’s super is rubbish, but its still very comboable from crossups and a good anti-air. Even if this is not enough, you can at least take solace from the fact that you can tech throws.
I think the move st guile misses most is not the HK, but the c.HP. Even O.guile’s c.HP is crap. In cps1 c.HP was a really good anti-air that would at the very least trade with most attacks, giving him great cover after he throws a boom. Now you’ll be lucky to even get a trade.
Anyway enough of my rambling, look forward to more interesting discussion later.
Just like to thank NKI, the wolfe bros, j.chen and other good players for keeping the ST discussion going, without you guys there would be very little to talk about. I can’t wait to go to America for evo next year where i’ll hopefully get to play some of you.