Is it just me or does it seems that when ever Flightwing has something to post, it always attacking, hating, or making fun of others? He needs to grow up and realize that Street Fighter is just a fucking game. I am sure that there are many other people that hate this kid. Probably everyone that plays Street Fighter and knows him. I know for a fact that most of the people that don?t post on SRK, like myself, don?t like him. Cause I am sure he?s either made fun of you, talk shit about you, insult you, made fun of your race, attack your appearance, make fun of your game play, talk about your family, and the list goes on and on. Come on, not one of you can deny that he hasn?t done one of the previous statements to you in the past. I don?t know why he thinks he?s better than everyone at Street Fighter; for one thing he?s just intermediate at one fucking game. Shit at every other game. I mean dead shit at every other game. Like fucking shit shit at other games. Like fucking shitter than shit?s shit. Every post I read from him is a hate post. Get a fucking life kid. Stop making fun of people?s girls, because you still a virgin. Stop making fun of people?s rides, because you ride the Bus. Stop saying that people shouldn?t try and be on tape, cause no one wants to see your bucktooth ass. Stop making fun of people?s appearance, because look in the mirror. Stop thinking your better than others in Street Fighter, cause your only intermediate at one game, and it?s a shit game to. One day you will get jumped and beaten by all the Street Fighter players that hate you. And trust me, there are a lot.
So people, think about it before you vote. I just had to make this post, cause I want to show him to stfu. So next time you guys see him at the arcades, just look at him and remember how he got smacked in this thread and it?s a score for all of u.
“either made fun of you, talk shit about you, insult you, made fun of your race, attack your appearance, make fun of your game play, talk about your family, and the list goes on and on”
I know people who I hang out with on a regular basis who do all of these things. So what’s the point of this thread again?