who counters or blocks the best in ssf2t-hd-remix?
The simplest answer is that block stun and hit stun is felt the same by all characters. If your question is really “who has the best options when put under pressure” then it’s a more complicated answer, and I’d say any character that has a special move that hits on the first frame and that has invincibility, e.g. Ken.
Honda. Haha!
It’s true… hold down back…
Honda is the correct answer.
Zangief is good too… if you have good timing, you can punish your opponets with SPDs and Kick Lariats, Gief’s kick lariat hits on first frame if i’m not wrong.
oops, i thought i was on ST forum, i’m not sure about HDR Gief frame data, i guess it’s the same.
Lariats have a 1-frame start up. This makes him practically impossible to safe jump normally, but because the start up isn’t invincible you can beat it out by stuffing its very small, very high start up hit box, kind of like how you can jump in on a knocked down Blanka by using a move that stuffs the start up frames of his roll. He also has his crouching throw, which can be OSed into punch or kick Lariat, which makes him effectively immune to tick throws outside the corner. He still doesn’t have Honda’s NE Ochio + 3 invincible reversals from down-back, though.
Can you explain this some more please?
Every time you are ticked, attempt a crouching throw while holding down-back, then immediately press the buttons for Lariat. If they attack low, you’ll be blocking low. If they attempt to throw, your throw should beat theirs. If they do something to be instantly airborne, the Lariat will come out and will beat most attacks.
Many thanks. This must not be a commonly used technique, because Zangief would be practically impossible to either meaty or combo…?
Getting a reversal throw is easier said than done and kara canceling into lariat may not always be a good thing. It is great as an OS vs. certain reversals when you are tick throwing them though.
Another character the OP may want to use is Vega. You can hold down + back while still being able to do invincible backflips (punch + kick) as a reversal. He also has a very fast cr. mp with great reach to punish stuff that is unsafe on block.
I couldn’t believe I could do balrog’s super, kinda stoked right now
jesus invented that super.
Wrong this is the true Jesus Super:
lol troll game.
HnK really needed a burst system.
It’d been nice if it let you IB while you were in blockstun, too. I hated that you could only IB the first attack of a string!
As for Zangief, the crouching stomach hold after a jumping attack is what gives me the most trouble. It is usually not a good idea to use the Lariat, as only Fierce loses to it (or the kicks, but no-one jumps with the kicks on Gief), while from a distance, it will whiff and leave Zangief vulnerable to crouching kicks. Jab beats Lariat and ducking, but it can whiff if Gief ducks from the maximum distance. Basically, hit, block or whiff, if you mess up you get dragged by Gief’s crouching hold. You may try SPD, but it is generally a worse option as it loses to Short Tatsu, while crouching throw will basically only lose to a perfectly delayed Shoryuken or Super (which both beat the SPD anyway).