done, here’s the list
tested with my character in the corner, honda sitting at the distance he is after a blocked headbutt, blocking the headbutt high
bison B,f,b,f+P (reversal)
balrog B,f,b,f+P lvl2/lvl3 (reversal not needed, lvl2 timing is tight)
balrog B,f,b,f+K (reversal not needed)
cammy qcf,qcf+K lvl2/lvl3 (reversal)
guile B,f,b,f+P (reversal not needed)
hibiki qcf+LP (reversal)
stuff that seems to work at a bit closer range:
hibiki c.HP
mai qcf,qcf+P lvl3 (reversal)
vega B,f,b,f+P (reversal)
that’s all i could get to connect, i tried vega red impact, but it kept whiffing, and his c.MP would get blocked, maybe i’m too slow with the c.MP though
balrog seems like a good choice against honda? dunno