Who can beat akuma in st?

or who have the best chance??

Dhalsim i think.

I saw this thread yesterday and thought about simply posting “Karate Jesus” many, many times. :lol:

It’s kind of a fun question, though! My understanding is that he does hold the clear advantage in all of his matchups, so it would have to be a matter of which characters have the least disadvantageous matchups against him.

I’m having trouble imagining how Dhalsim could deal with air fireball spam. I’m not sure though, I guess I’d have to see the angles in action.

Maybe O.Sagat? You know, tigertigertigertiger…

i think ryu have a chance too… any more help?

Well, there is one character who is guaranteed to run even with Akuma, and that is Akuma himself, in a mirror match.

…Unless Akuma is just such a badass that he even bullies himself.

isnt fierce red ball in the corner a nonstop block string? who could beat that shit?

Dhalsim, Boxer and Chun Li have better chances @beating Akuma in ST, they can get around the air fireball.

Here’s a list of characters who theoretically would have a chance of beating Akuma:

I say Dic has the best chance of defeating kuma, simply for his ability to fly, and control the air. But with Akuma’s corner trap and rediculous combos I would say just pick Akuma to beat Akuma :rofl::rofl:

I’ve beaten him with Honda, Claw, and Ryu before.

I should try to do some more Akuma runs, I have played through arcade mode on my cab in ages

What difficult level are you setting your 2X board to?

Default, which is 4. 8 is the max

Man, I play mine on the lowest setting (1?). I find the CPU to be brutal, even though the 2X board is less painful than the US board.

Where you at in Atlanta? didnt know there were any more ST boards floating around there.

Are you gonna go to Shinblanka’s tourney on August 1st? We should try to meet up and get some matches in

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