So the cons have been found contempt of parliament, the first time ever in british empire history. We are now heading to the polls. Who are you voting for and why?
I’m personally voting liberal. but i’d like to vote NDP since they want senate reform and I want senate reform (albeit I don’t want to get rid of it).
since none of them have put forward any policies or platforms or stances or anything yet, and are just pointing fingers at why you shouldn’t vote for the other guy
im gonna vote for the dudes with the funniest attack add, barring someone actually putting forth a plan i would agree with(unlikely)
-banning the political parties subsidy of 2$ per vote received. if you ban this CLEAN source of money, the parties will be forced to raise money elsewhere from lobbies or whatever. Then Canadian parties will be beholden to the lobbies the same way the US parties are.
-All those laws to make government less open to public scrutiny. Public commissions and an open government are necessary to find abuses and scandals.
Dunno who to vote for yet between Liberals and NDP. Will wait after debates to decide.