Who Are Some Notable Wolverine/Veril/Doom Players?

Hey all,

Never bought umvc3 because I didn’t want to support capcom’s decision to make an update to the title less than a year after its release.

It’s clear the game is going strong and my vanilla team is severely outdated, and I decided after stream monstering I’d want to learn Wolverine/Vergil/Doom.

I was wondering if anyone could list off a couple notable Wolverine/Vergil/Doom players that I could study, as I figure it’s a pretty popular team.


It’s not that popular of a team, most people have dropped Wolverine by now to go to cheaper stuff and not a lot of those who are still using him use Doom. The only notable exception is PR Rog, he should be more than enough for you to study.

This made me laugh aloud. As if divekick wasn’t simple enough lol.

His loss of an invulnerable 50/50 is the biggest