White mother sues sperm bank after giving birth to mixed race baby

Not to mention, the women were probably already under fire for being lesbians.

yeah shit happens, now what? kill the baby or donate to homeless shelter? fuck outta here. don’t see how or why MONEY will help their “cause”. maybe these lesbo crackas need to move out of KKKville and go live somewhere else and see what else is out there.

not really taking sides, just saying its a bullshit lawsuit. tho I am sure they WILL win or at least get some kind of compensation lol…

It’s malpractice.

If a Dr egregiously fucked up and performed surgery leg surgery on someone who didn’t need it and it fucked up his leg for life would you just go “Shit happens”?

You should stick to CvS2.

They now have to raise a child they did not want out of their own pocket. While they were willing to be parents, they had a certain child in mind. The clinic should pay for all the expenses this child will need until it’s 18. That’s how money can help the situation, especially if they decide to have another baby because they got a fuck up the first time.

I mean we know why you’re taking this so personally, but relax a bit.

In any case yeah the clinic was wrong here, so here’s hoping there’s some redress which ultimately includes getting this child away from this couple for her own health.

This lawsuit is some bullshit, the baby isnt even that black ffs, these bitches need to learn how to roll with some punches, life is harder than a fucking sun tan.

Why am I taking this personally?

This is a gross injustice done to the mothers and the child from the negligence of a clinic. You guys all seem to think the parents are shitstains because they’re pissed off about it when they have the right to be. The mother was violated and that can never be taken back. I wouldn’t be happy, either, if the baby I wanted turned out to be something I did not expect. If I want a baby to look like me and my wife, I damn well better get it.

Nah makes entirely too much sense and these two look like inbred dumbasses.

SRK hates you too.

Because the kid’s half black of course, what else?

Btw actually read the rest of my post instead of roll cancelling into an auto-reply, I still think the sperm bank screwed up here, I’d be in the same shoes had I not gotten my gattaca baby shrugs.

I know this isn’t a perfect world, but to move your kid away from the place you want to live because you’re afraid of racism seems like you’re letting what other people think dictate how you live.

^Well I’m not really up to using the child’s own welfare and happiness as a poker chip to make a point. Just me though

I saw what you said, but don’t go implying I’m racist.

Why would he imply?

No of course not. Anybody who has read your bullshit throughout the years would never come to that conclusion.

None of my posts are racist. Go searching and I’m sure you wont’ find shit.

Uh-huh. You spin a good yarn every once in awhile but there’s an underlying issue as to why you’re taking suck umbrage with this.

Why should I give a fuck if the baby is half black and half white? My issue is that all you stupid fucks are making this all about race when it was the fuck up of the clinic and the parents are TOTALLY in the right here no question. They should also be free to choose the race of the person they are going to PUSH THROUGH THEIR OWN FUCKING BODIES and raise. No one should blame them one bit for that.

The reaction of this thread reminds me of an opinion piece I read earlier this week. It’s about Tinder and how people only go for the races/types they like to date and saying it’s wrong. That’s a PERSONAL choice, and they even attack how one could possibly make that a personal choice and it’s underlying racism.

That entire stance was bullshit, as is the stance that these parents shouldn’t be mad they got a half-black child. They wanted one who looked like them and it is their God-given right to want that.

The sperm bank promised something and they had to honor it the best they can. Saying the parents will get a white child and having it be mixed is a complete screw up on the bank’s part. They should pay for something. Anything. Hell, at the very least the amount it took for the procedure itself.

If the sperm bank said the child will be a blond haired, blue eyed son that grows over 6 feet tall (no matter how unrealistically possible they can guarantee that) and it DOESN’T happen, that’s the bank’s fault. You can’t advertise and promise a product then give them something else.

Yes, I know we’re talking about a child. But apparently you can put a price on that. The sperm bank did.