I literally cannot see what I am typing after the fourth or fifth line when I respond to a post because the white font completely blends into the background. I looked in the preferences section to try to change the color of my font, but there doesn’t appear to be such an option. I know I can preview what I post before I reply, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who thinks this is inconvenient. Please fix this.
Come on. I know I can’t be the only one who finds this annoying. Who else finds this annoying?
Hey dude, I don’t see what you are talking about. Everything appears to be fine. Are you using white font on purpose? Everything is black font for me. I don’t know what is up with you.
He is on the dark theme. This has been previously reported. The reply popup has white text against a white gradient background.
stop using morzilla? :> herpderp xD
insider. yes it’s a douche answer - that is exactly what i wanted to show [him].
You wanted to show me that you’re a douche? lol
I think we all figured that out from the other thread.
no, that you’re left that very douche answer in another thread. see how it feels? so stop that bs “switch ur browser” answer
I don’t know how to feel … mainly because I can’t understand your broken English lol
roflmao, ain’t that broken. but sure was distracted while i wrote that xD “No… but that you’ve left that very douche answer in another thread”.
Dude, your English is more broken that Super Turbo Akuma with Air Hyper Viper Beams. English is my native language, so if your English sounds broken to me and not to you, it’s because it’s broken.
You wrote: “no, that you’re left that very douche answer in another thread.”
If I left something, I am not what I left lol
“that very douche answer”
The only way this could sound more unnatural is if you followed it up by calling me a “dummyface” or by calling me “unsmart.” The only reason I’m not insulted is because it amuses me to think that you actually thought that someone would find this insulting.
Also, could you stop derailing people’s threads. I posted in here with the intent on being helpful. The only thing you’ve done is to remind others what the canonical archetype of a troll is… although to your credit, you have demonstrated to others here why taking high school english was important.
Reported. If this were Tech Talk, I’d have infracted you already. Quit being a douche. Switching browsers has nothing to do with this issue, unlike that other issue were switching away from IE would have actually helped.
Just because you don’t like someone’s opinion doesn’t mean you have the right insult them, troll them and call them names. Remember, the right to have an opinion comes with the responsibility to respect those of others.
well, let me thell you that THIS exactly answer was given in another thread. When I (obviously not very serious) give that answer it’s an insult, but when other write “stop using IE” it’s “free opinion”? Now that’s something you have there…
btw. switching from firefox to whatever WOULD help eventually.
Except is was a valid answer in that other thread. Not in this one.
it is NEVER, a valid answer. If you goin to a doctor and tell him you’ve pain when you jump with ur right foot and he tells you “Then just use the left one”, is also no valid solution. People want to FIX their problem, not to simply ingore them and switching to another software. It’s okay to nail down the problem, I’ll give you that. Might even work tempoary as a substitute, but is no final answer. In particular if they encounter new problems with their new software… what then… switch again?
I know you don’t think to switch for every problem, but in conclusion, it still doesn’t solve the problem.
Bad analogy. If my doctor tells me that I need a heart transplant then I am getting a heart transplant. If there’s something in anything I own that turns out to be faulty that can possibly be replaced by a superior alternative, then heck yeah I would replace it.
…Firefox is superior to IE, and it’s an indisputable, 100 percent true fact. It is not up for debate or discussion. Was reading the other thread and kept quiet but seeing it spill over here I can’t hold my silence in the face of such absurdity.
Wow they deleted the other thread so it spills over into a completely unrelated one? Unbelievable.
Your analogies are really, really bad. If you have problems with your new software, yes, of course you switch again. Because there’s absolutely no reason to be so loyal to a piece of FREE software. You’re equating them to body parts? Seriously?
that has nothing to do with loyality to a certain browser. If one choses to switch, go for it! But if one seeks help with a particular problem “switch ur software” is NO VALID helpful solution. It just isn’t. If i wanted to switch the browser, I wouldn’t ask for a solution for my current one. Makes sense right?
The thing you do, sayin “get a new heart” even when you only have iron deficiency. Now let’s call it quits with those analogy xD
0/ welcome to Fanboi-Town. 'Nuff said.