We all have our favorite Storm costumes in this game. So which Storm’s alternate costume do you always pick? Which is your favorite? You can post your top 3 on your post and post your least favorite too.

We all have our favorite Storm costumes in this game. So which Storm’s alternate costume do you always pick? Which is your favorite? You can post your top 3 on your post and post your least favorite too.
My top 3:
And my least favorite is Color 4. It just looks the least attractive to me.
Mohawk Storm is lyfe.
You should use the general discussion thread for this D:
I’m still salty about the lack of an MvC2/90’s Storm alt…
True. But I prefer the gold alternate costume of the 90s costume just like in marvel vs capcom 2
who else?
I just use her default.
Though if they ever made her new mohawk x-force outfit I would buy that in a heartbeat.
I love her classic look best(umvc3 default is the closest to that look)
Whoa! I can’t believe a lot of people love the black and gold.,