Which shoto player are you?

Ryu…especially now with the fake fireball, but of all his moves, the fierce lunge punch is a move I can’t live without. Whenever I try ken I’m lost without it. I use it to close the gap , not as an attack. If I start getting into sfiv , I’m definitly going to main Dan! His throw animation never gets old.

Oh fuck I hate Roo’s(Seth Killians name for him) fake fireball!!!

Couldn’t agree with you more. I feel like the entire reason he was developed was to help scrubs get in on the action too lol

In my experiencie, i come across a lot of ryu players, most of these ryu players are scrubs, they think “oooh ryu is the main character, so i’ll kick some asses, ryu is the shit”, which is a big mistake, don’t get me wrong, i like ryu too, but n00bs thinks that ryu and spamming fireballs > everything.