Ryu’s been my main for the longest. I’m an average player. Look me up on PSN and learn me somethin!
Ryu’s been my main for the longest. I’m an average player. Look me up on PSN and learn me somethin!
anyone who chooses ryu for just his overhead is a noob.
standard overheads dont work on good players
^ I’m no top player so you’d better explain what I’m missing.
It’s always been a powerful part of his mixup. Unless your opponent is just being predictable, you have to be pretty on-the-ball to react to that shit meaty. I don’t doubt that some top players have the cat-reflexes required to deal with it semi-consistently but shit man, it’s still makin’ them do a lot of brainwork for little reward at high risk on their part.
Playing against ken 15 times in a row, then akuma, then ken.
Seriously, i’m so happy when i see another character it’s becoming ridiculous… :amazed:
Wait did I step into Gamefaq?
I used to primarily play Ryu, but when I went back to Super Turbo after a long break, and started teaching a friend of mine who was new to the game, I started playing Dee Jay, and he just stuck. He’s now easily my main in ST and HDR.
Of the Shotos, I’m also finding that I prefer playing Ken now. Maybe it’s just Ryu burnout, or maybe there’s something about Ken that just sits with me better, but if I’m picking a Shoto, it’s usually Ken these days (though I tend to put even him pretty far behind quite a few of the cast).
i’m the shoto killer
I rather Ken, i love his crazy kicks(including the overhead kick) and the knee bash, despite ken is a tier b character, in good hands and smart mindgaming, ken could be unstoppable!. when people see me using ken in the online mode says “another ken user”, well, i have a surprise for them lol.
Ryu for me is in second place, i dunno, he’s good and the best balanced character IMO, but too many people love him, his attitude as a character is so boring for me, he is so kind and i don’t like that, i like characters with that bad ass attitude like Ken, also applies for other games, comics and anime(Dante, Kratos, Vegeta, Wolverine).
I hate to use ken for long periods of time, because i like to use some other characters too like Ryu, Blanka, Vega(Claw) and Dee-Jay.
Ryu. Strategic beat downs>aggressive beatdowns. Nothing is more satisfying than catching a poke or a fireball with Ryu’s super.
Sagat is my favourite shoto
agree, but, some people get the zoning concept wrong, and they turned predictable spamming the fireballs.
For me, this one thing is even better: FB trap someone to death in the corner. Love see them floundering to escape only to eat a DP or another FB. And finish them with a walkup throw…unvaluable.
Ryu is my shoto, of course.
I main ken, though it ticks me off to see people scrubbing it up with him. I’m no SF god, but some people its just ridiculous. Though, I am starting to branch out a bit, and im starting to warm up to Fei.
Akuma Ragequitter
Ummm none. I think there’s pleeeeenty of shotos online already. It’s kinda sad, out of a cast of 16 characters, I fight about 40% akuma, 30% ken, 25% ryu, and 5% everyone else. They’re just easy to play as I guess and no one wants to take the time to learn anyone more advanced.
When I play shoto I use Ken he has always been my favorite shoto. But I main Honda and mix in 4/5 of the SSF2T new characters not Akuma
Akuma is broken. He is not playable. why even bring him up? please don’t. Akuma players just piss me of. They usually are scrubby and pick the best character because they suck and need an unfair advantage
I just said I didn’t use him, out of the new characters that were introduced in SSF2T. I hate him as well. I wish there was a way to ban him online…