Which She Hulk Assist do you use?

She Hulk is my girl, and I usually run her on point, but when I switch her out, which Assist do you think is her best?

Normally I do the Torpedo for an OTG, but it doesn’t seem as fast as other peoples low Assist. I’ve been toying with the Somersault kick for anti-air/defense. Does anyone use the clothesline? What Assist do you use?

This couldn’t go in the She-Hulk team building thread?

tbh I was going to post the exact same thread until I saw this…

I try use her somersault cuz it uses alot of the screen when close range. Her assists aint very good tbh which is why I use her as point like yourself. I tend to use her until shes dead basically lol bad at the moment but I just cant use her assist very well :confused: Thinking of changing her to zero

This should be in the team building thread.

Why? He’s not talking about building a team or what assist to use with different characters or what character assists to use whilst using she-hulk.

He’s asking what assist you use…pretty simple question and a good one.

And also if you read 3 posts up another dude already said this…

torpedo all day

every character in my team, she hulk, doom, spencer has their own otg so i’m not worried about trying to link she hulks into my combos.

i like torpedo because it hits low, and you set up some unblockable approaches with it.

i did use clothesline for the crumple effects but her somersault kick is almost instant and has great anti-air and spacing.

Topedo OTG is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good

Also, unblockables are really good.

My team (Shulk/Tron) really benefits from the OTG Torpedo. I like to maximize damage so I constantly dhc between these two when things are going well. So I often move Shulk around. When tron does come out (almost every match!) I go for unblockables by super jumping calling assist dashing and hitting buttons. I prefer to save it though because with Tron’s massive combo capabilities and the OTG I can break 1mil with 2 meter. If I have 3 meter I can get MORE damage than that and dhc into shulk (for full hits too and an OTG reset) So yeah… Torpedo. The others don’t exist as far as I’m concerned.