I’m coming in on Tuesday the 26th with a lot of production equipment, and I’m going to try and take advantage of the first couple of days to film the ambience / anticipation to Evo for those of us who wish to make it out to Las Vegas earlier than most.
Things that will be recorded include matches, general talking, shit talk, etc. The usual works.
Arriving early Thursday morning. Should be enough time to feel comfortable in the setting, get in lots of casual practice matches, and go the party at Insert Coin later that night.
I arrive late night on the 22nd. I’m down to do some filming/talk shit/play games/whatever. If I dont remember to PM you, PM me and we can meet up at the Rio some time before Evo. I will have most of the best Las Vegas players, as well as some Midwest talent such as myself and Big Marcus with me.
Thursday around noon. Hopefully I can check in Early to set up some Casual stations in the room and get some practice before the MVC3 draft and Insert Coins Party.