Which character makes the best comebacks?


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Yeah I think that any character that has momentum to their beastage can make some sick comebacks… like all the shotos (sans Sean) and Makoto and Dudley. Yang too… crazy mixup shit.

Makoto’s ability to comeback is crazy. I think the best I’ve seen is:

by TSC, that was crazy as hell.

Edit: Just noticed TSC got a mention earlier on, well deserved.

holy is makato super sayin or something, how does she do so much damage.

i never played thrid strike before

I’m a big Elena fanboy, and her comebacks can be beastly if you can execute them. My favorite combo vid with an Elena beast is the one on YouTube with the anti-Ressurrection combos.
That combo doesn’t look like much, but it’s freakin’ hard as hell to do.

Best: Yang.

Most: Makoto, Urien

couldnt agree more man. Hugo one 720 back in the game…and Q well shit man land an sa1 or sa2 and you evened it up guranteed


When looking at comebacks, you have to look at how many openings does it take for a character to win a round, and how many meters do you need to kill them.

#1 Makoto easily since she’s the only character with a practical 100% combo, even with a little over one meter. Also, since she has one of the scariest mixups in the game.

After her are three sets of contenders:

#2 Chun and Urien need two stocks to make a huge comeback. Happens fairly frequently.

#3 Yun has to land a GJ, buid 65% meter, and land another GJ. Happens fairly frequently, but you have to ease off a bit to build that meter.

#4 Dudley, Yang, and Ken have to have 3 or more openings to kill you, even with full stocks.

Hugo can be tossed in there somewhere, since any clap, clap, sweep combo, followed by a gigas setup is 90%.

The best comebacks I have ever seen are from Hugo. Look at this shit:


pretty obviously makoto