Which character makes the best comebacks?

Sean with Shoryu-cannon.

P.S. Twelve cannot make combacks.

I think Yun is nice too

2 genei jins are enough to end a round

Yun loosing
Gets opponent to the corner, activate genei jin

mix highs and lows (probably connects a few hop kicks), connect a command grab , genei jin ender, a lot of meter back
from this point on if you take less than 6 seconds to charge your next genei jin (meaning keeping your opponent ion the corner) you’re dead, but if you do it you cancomeback

A good Hugo with SAI is probably one of the most frightening things I could think of.

yun …:stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve made some pretty nutty Oro comebacks… one MP and it’s over.

yun + genei-jin = comeback

no player is fuckin with a one move come back aka gigas breaker. move significantly influences the outcome of the match if landed. hands down.

the most come backs in out of all the characters .

The combo itself may take a while to come out, but when you stop to think that this round basically made a U-turn off of ONE opening, it’s clear Makoto SA2 is in a league of her own.


Yun 100+ damage from Genei Jin.
Urien’s unblockables always run the risk of being parried.

that video doesn’t count because i didn’t block

Makoto and her SA2 turn the tide. She is the best at comebacks, followed by Urien in my opinion.

if sean made a come back that would be the best :wonder:

ryu saII best super and best character in the game hands down


Wow, if you say so…

^ why are people retarded and take everything they read on the internet 100% seriously.

there needs to be an internet sarcasm detector for our dry humor impaired.

I am the best at making comebacks… I am sure eks agrees. :rofl:


I think Ken has the best comebacks:P It’s not really because he has one big combo to even the playing ground, but more because he has the least risk making such a comeback.

ken definitely does not make the best comebacks, his damage output in one shot isn’t high enough.

topic is which character makes the BEST comebacks.

pretty obviously makoto.

well actually it would probably be s2 makoto dudley or full bar urien imo.