Which character is the most fun to play as?

Meh honestly the most fun for people just picking up the game would be either bang or ragna…or if you wanna ice car all day jin.
bang simply because he’s a flipping ninja…A MANLY NINJA! :smiley:
Ragna because he’s basically some dude with a BFS and an attitude…cept he has chipp zanuff speed :confused:

But honestly any character will be fun once you learn how to play as them…I mean hell I have fun with hakumen for crying out loud…I started out with ragna then jin…then I found out I get a super satisfaction from 6C to Shippuing someone…that and a well timed yukikaze :smiley:

Fun characters

I like taokaka, tager, rachel, arakune and noel. You may end up hating jin, since everyone uses him and spams combos that freeze and freeze. Taokaka has really fun combos. Noel does to and hers have alot of variety. Tager is quite slower but much more powerful and his magnets are awesome. Rachel has the rods that you can place anywhere on the map and combine her distortion with them and deal alot of damage. Arakune can fly and has HELLA good zoning! you take your pick.

Unya! Taokaka! So much fun to play.

I like to play mostly Jin,Taokaka,and Hakumen to an extent…

I do try to get in hang with Arakune but he’s hard to master…

I got to go with ragna. He reminds me of the classic badass that you grow up wanting to be. Hes also really fun to play as which is in the end the deciding factor.

They’re all fun to play as. That’s why BlazBlue is the best fighting game ever.

I would say the most fun for me to play is Bang. He was the first character i really got into comboing with and like his phrases while fighting (Break da bone!) i must say i just love teleporting out of his drive moves and smacking foo’s. I would have to Say i prefer his bumpers (hanging nails?) over the FRKZ though cuz that things out of control for me, fun as it may be. Theyre lots of fun for zipping around for cross-ups i think giving up 2-4 nails.

I like to use Ragna because I like the rushdown style of play. It get my adrenaline pumping when I am able to keep pounding the pressure into someone.

I also like to play Taokaka because of her speed. Even through she does have low damage and hp her sheer speed,combos and the ability to jump in and out makes her tricky to catch sometimes. (depending on the player and character)


He was the first character I used and still my main to this day.

I recently got into Bang though. :F

I play as Ragna. His aggressive style seems to fit me, but he seems to have problems against projectile characters, and for that Litchi seems to be a suitable replacement.

I first played hakumen and fell in love at first sight. It wasn’t the coolness that got to me. or his sheer power. But that whole so lovable drive of his. As person who played Last blade 2 which had parry. I felt right at home.

Dang so many ragna, I must admit I like him but not for his offensive but defensive capability.

BANG BANG BANG BANG! Banguu Tamashi! Tatakau Kokoro Kougetsuku hodo NIII!

This right here says it all

Yeah, in terms of pure fun, it’s Bang hands down. Any character who has an attack that overwrites the background music you know has to be a badass.
Personally though, I have the most fun playing as Jin, even after the rebalance. Honestly after his change he feels a lot more solid than before. Just a refined mid-tier character (if you’re into all that tier shit).

Bang since CT!

I’m new to BBCS, but Taokaka and Carl are the people I have the most fun with.

“There are two things in this world that I just can not stand! Lies and evil and lies and…BELL PEPPERS!” -Bang Shishigami

Rachel is my favorite. She makes me think of Slayer too, one of my favourites from GG.
She has the same cool and and arrogance as him. An arrogance that is just and she can always back up with intellect and power. Even when KO’d she isn’t even KO.
I’m also trying to take on Hakumen, I like his kind of Samurai Shodown fighting style.
Hard to master characters and a ‘different’ playing style is something that always attracts me.

Hazama for me. I’m a super scrub too, but all the other characters just don’t do it for me. He reminds me a ton of Rolento and I’m a sucker for his “smooth” design.

I’ve been able to only win a handful of fights with him and I may be stuck to an eternity of being ass with him, but I find this game much less stressful than SSF4 even when I’m losing. Oh I also love how Hazama in Japanese yells, what sounds like, “Jinsen KORI” over and over when you land his BnB combo. :smiley:

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaama!!! :slight_smile: