Which assists can convert off a helm breaker?

Is there a list of assists that can be used to convert full combos off of Vergil’s helm breaker?

Not really, but off the top of my head.

Otgs (duh)
Wall bouncing assists HSD independent
Ground bouncing assists (correct me if there are any exceptions) HSD independent
Lock down assists and spencer grapple: spiral swords->high time+assist call->trick down->??? HSD independent

Ryuuenjin: High time+assist call->trick down->sj.MHS. HSD dependent
Tenderizer: Assist call->high time->trick down->lunar phase. HSD independent
Cold Star: Assist call->high time->trick down->round trip :slight_smile: HSD dependent
Jam Session: back dash->high time->call jam session->trick down->sj.MHS. HSD dependent
Drones: (must call before helm breaker)->high time->trick down->j.MHS. HSD dependent

Vajra: High time+assist call->trick down->cr LMH. HSD dependent (can always get high time->vajra hit)
Trish Peekaboo: Assist call->high time->trick down->st.LMH
Weasel Shot: Assist call->high time (pick them up into the first shot)->trick down (asap)->st.M->cr.H->stuff. HSD dependent.
Molecular shield (will add specifics tomorrow after testing)

Eye of Agamado: Assist call->high time->trick down->??? HSD independent? (will test tomorrow).

I haven’t really tried it with many assists because I normally just find stuff for my team. I’ll edit this post with more if people post stuff. The spiral swords pick up should work with any assist that holds them in place for a little while, but I’m sure you’re more interested in meterless pickups

Spencers slanted Wire grapple also works provided you pop Spiral Swords first. If you don’t it atleast allows you to resume pressure/ go for some sort of ghetto reset.

Akuma’s Demon Flip causes a ground bounce.

Doctor strange’s Eye of agamotto also works.

Corner only Doom Beam: Call doom, wait, high time, trick down xx spiral swords. tight timing. Easier in devil trigger by lots.
Probably works easier with iron man beam.

A lot of assists can be used if you spiral sword before high time. Weasel shot for exeample

You actually don’t need spiral swords to convert with slant shot. It’s a very tight timing(for me at least) but still possible.


Mollecular shield can aswell

Is there anything strange about this pickup? (such as with cold star where you need to make sure you OTG them after the first hit of cold star is over). Is there any immediate followup that you would recommend? (such as Skrull’s tenderizer->lunar phase?)

I’ll add it to my list if you tell me.

Trish, Peekaboo.
Can either call during helm breaker if normal jumped or once on ground, before high time.
From there,
High time, trick down, LMH(full combo).
Can post videos if needed.

You can Log Trap into Swords lol

assists like Cold Star can if you do High Time afterwards, like helm breaker>call assist>pause shortly>high time>trick down>do whatever

You can convert from Nova’s Centurion Rush assist after High Time, but the timings a little weird, and it puts you outside of L/M range, but an S or Stinger should get the job done.

Magneto’s Hypergrav also works they go flying away but both C 2C and spiral swords will all connect from that distance

Akuma Tatsu assist works but its tight.

Dark Hole and Purification both work.

For Dark Hole, you just need to teleport cancel the OTG ASAP into s.L.

For Purification, let it OTG for you, and pick them up via j.S.

I posted a list in the combo thread. Strider can but not in the way you think :smiley:

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I found something a way to combo with the EOA assist. Sorry for the quality I was testing my computers webcam[media=youtube]bSMDERJzp5Y[/media]