I picked up Viper this past Monday, I believe it was April fool’s day. I learned the Fierce Feint Fierce combo into ex seismo, learned some feints, instant burn kicks and such. Her essentials. Now my problem is, how do I know if she’s ready to leave the training room? I tried yesterday and I won one match out of thirteen but the things I have described were done on this day instead of two days ago. So when do /I truly know I can play competitively? I use a eight arc fusion stick
Viper is never ready to leave the training room. She will forever be there, no matter how good you get.
But she does deserve a nice, long walks every now and then. When that is, is totally up to you.
Just go play, ffs. I don’t know why people think they have to be at a certain level to play against other people.
Just play, and you’ll learn from those losses, and you’ll lose less.
You’ll learn more in a first to 10 against a good player than you will learn in training mode in a week.
I actually started playing her but I always knew she was the hardest character to learn and I was busy practicing her movesets. I want to main her but not be a joke with her. I just kind of wished to play against a good player ten times in a row while getting better but I highly doubt it.
I did manage to get 1700 BP with her and planning on using her alongside with Akuma. Maybe training room is something I will consistently see from now on
I think you’re ready when you are completely comfortable with the character, and you feel you know your character.
this question always gets asked, and from my personal experience, I feel like you can start improving by playing out of training, WHEN you feel like you don’t have to think about execution anymore, you simply just do it. When doing seismo/meterless cancels feel as fluid to you as opening and closing your fist, when doing sjc bk’s feel as natural as breathing, this is when I think you have leveled up enough to start improving on your game awareness and mixups/strategy as you will be much more confident. Of course like most people will agree viper indeed will always need to play training to stay solid but personally I think when you have reached this point you can start consistently taking your training into real battles.