When can you sweep after (EX)Falling Sky?

Something I notice that seems to be incredibly inconsistent in this game is when I can and can’t do a sweep after a successful Falling Sky. Sometimes it works and sometimes it wont. When exactly can you do the sweep afterwards? Is there a timing thing I am unaware of? Or maybe hitstun decay?

I’d like to know this aswell. All I’ve been doing is start mashing sweep.

If you can connect falling rain, then you can sweep after it. I don’t know of any situations offhand where this isn’t the case.

It can be easy to miss, though. Needs to be done earlier than expected. I probably wouldn’t recommend mashing, plinking will be more effective in the long run.

You can plink with all 3 kick buttons to increase your success rate.

Also just a headsup.

Ask questions in the related threads in the stickies, if they don’t fit in any of the threads then just ask in the “Asuka Kazama Thread”

I didn’t see a general question thread like there usually is. Most character forums have “_____ Q&A Thread” but Asuka didn’t have one! I’ll check on that.

I keep calling it falling sky. Oddly enough I’m starting to use Abel who’s move is Falling Sky while Asuka is Falling Rain.

Anyways sometimes after a long extended combo I try to sweep after a falling sky and it won’t connect, but other times it will. Do you happen to know how tight the timing is for it?

when the 2nd bounce happens that’s when I hit sweep and it works about 90% of the time.
It’s just a timing issue as far as I understand.