Yeah I knew about that as an ender I just can never get anywhere remotely consistently.
I just found doing the Million Carats extension the best one because of the damage and consistency for me. Also giant ice crystals. And it does great damage off of Hammer confirms (even more than a normal combo for me lol)
I’m pretty sure theres a better corner combo using double Volcano that can be done I’m just not that great with dante. But I know that double volcano is the way to get dantes highest damage output and since airdash H is stupid hard to do 
If I was better I could actually get one of the dante enders but I can never get J.Qcf+H, Acid Rain, Volcano, J.S extension for the life of me.
And the other half of the time I can’t get J.qcf+H into Beehive at the end.
I was just putting stuff there because I always see Dante’s do Call QW, Volcano, J.S at the end of combos for no extra damage.
Midscreen if you delay the QW you get put in a good position to do shot loops as well.
From the testing I did the Forward Dash + QW is probably your best bet for doing the unblockable.
I tried raw tagging and I never got it if I did my timing right and it always got punished too. It was an unblockable too and not just a hard to blockable
What’s the “optimal” idea for a teleporting/non-teleporting Deadpool/Doom unscale combo? Or at least, the go-to one?
1) Still waiting for Wedge to put annotations for that Vajra confirm into heavy damage. XD Never mind, found the video. XD
- For the longest time, I’ve tried using Katana-Rama L as an anti-air, then teleport into combo, but I can never get a c.M to hit. They tech out before falling low enough. Advice for making it work/consistent?
Teleport s. I think if you look at the combos I posted it’s listed there. As well as tons of other combos.
I looked through that entire list, as I love knowing good combos off his hit comfirms. One I saw was:
Katana~L, (Teleport if midscreen), Cr.M, St.H xx Qcb+H, Dash S, J.H xx Bolo, Qcb+H, Dash S, J.HS, Katana H~H (Tele if neccesary), Katana M~H (explosion if wanted) xx HHT
I was trying it for ages, but I couldn’t land the c.M unless I’d hit them with it while they were low to the ground, at which point it’d be faster and safer to just use s.L.
Oh, my bad then I could have swore I added it. Teleport S, J.h xx Bolo, Qcb+H, Dash S, J.h xx Bolo, Qcb+H, Dash S, J.HS
or S, J.H xx Bolo, Qcb+H, Dash S, J.MMHS, Katana H~H , Katana M~H
Yeah, after I couldn’t get c.M to work, that’s the combo I settled on. =)
Also, what kind of tech do you have with Deadpool/Hawkeye? (I’m guessing you use Greyhound assist.) I have Deadpool/Hawkeye as a shell on one of my teams, and I’ve been trying to figure out combos/setups/etc.
I use a lot of Jump back, Wall Jump forward, Double Jump Call Hawkeye, Down guns into combo.
Jump Guns + Triple arrow, Qcb+H on hit to confirm.
Dash Call Hawkeye, Cr. H for a nice long poke that you can follow up relatively easily.
St.M + hawkeye xx Teleport for a good poke into mix-up.
Block string ending with Cr.H+ Hawkeye xx Teleport mix-up.
-Teleport L (from player1 side) you can get a huge combo with a raw Qcb+H, St.h xx Qcb+H due to spacing.
I always end my combos with Katana~Chimi xx Teleport M, Call Hawkeye, Katana M~Chimi and this will always give me any meter I need and add a decent chunk of damage.
On incoming, call Hawkeye then F+M. Saves yous from having to otg or anything and you can combo with Cr.M.
Time it right and you can do it on the ground too.
I like that tech. I’ll have to try those out, thanks. =D I also found that HKD into corner, Katana~Chimi, Bolo, air HHT into Super Scatter Shot is a good combo ender.
You’d probably be better off ending with Katana Chimi into Cutting Time DHC Super Scatter Shot and have them take all the hits.
Been messing around with Pool/RR some more.
I’ve been finding some good stuff with them. Such as Raw tags from RR into Pool off of Raw Log Traps and even in combo.
I tried that, but for some weird reason, when I’d DHC from Cuttin’ Time into Super Scatter Shot, some of the arrows miss. I never understood why, no matter how many times I did the DHC and varying the timing each time. I found that when I do air HHT into SSS, all the arrows hit, so I generally do that when I can.
I checked the damage and everything. Yeah just end your combo with Air HHT into SSS. Much better damage wise lol
So the most I’ve done is basic Cr.lm,St.h xx Qcb+H, Dash S, J.H xx Bolo, Qcb+H, Dash S, J.HS, Call Hawkeye, KatanaH~M xx Teleport into the corner, F+M, Qcf+Atk~M xx Air HHT