What's your blood type?- The Deadpool Combo Thread

that’s nasty!

i added this in your comments, but if you have no meter and you have a corner knockdown, you can x-factor after katana-rama chimichanga then teleport to the other side of the screen to loop, only landing it is tougher cause you have to react and use different types of quick work accordingly.


can you still do that?

Heres a new or unpublished 100% loop for deadpool in x-factor. This video is an update to my older deadpool video because there are more things you can do with his specials


Hope it helps any deadpool user

Hey all, I saw that the Deadpool Discussion thread was getting clogged up with combo discussion, and that someone wanted to place where we could discuss specifically combos. So, here we go! I read through the Discussion thread and found all the combos, as well as trag13’s youtube channel. I’ll update this post with any new info.

[http://www.youtube.com/user/trag13](trag13’s youtube channel!)

A - Any attack (Unless otherwise stated)
A/B/C - Light/Medium/Heavy
S - Special
E - Exchange
2A - Any two attacks simultaneously
QCF - Quarter circle forward.
QCB - Quarter circle back.
DP - Dragon punch motion
RDP - Reverse dragon punch motion
J - Jumping
Cr. - Crouching

Let’s kick this thing off:

Jumping :s: / :h: -->Cr. :l: , :m: , :h: , :s: -Jump-> :m: , :m: , :h: , :h: -->:dp: + :h: , :h: -->Dash in Cr. :h: + :s: -Jump-> :h: , :s: --> :dp: + :h:

:l: :l: c. :m: :h: xx :qcb: + :h: (dash) :s: j. :m: j. :m: j. :h: j. :s: (dash) :dp: + :h: ~ :h: (dash) :s: nj. :s: (small delay) Air :qcf: + :atk: :atk:

CR. L, CR. L, CR. M, ST. H > 214 + H , FORWARD DASH, CR. M, ST. H > 214 + M , FORWARD DASH, S,
SUPER JUMP, AIR , M , H , S LAND, 623 + H > , H , 214 + > 236 + ATKATK

jumping :snkd: + :d: :snka: + :d: :snkb: + :d: :snkc: + :d: :snkd: + superjump :snkb: + j. :snkb: + j. :snkc: + :snkd: + :dp::snkc: + :snkd: + :snkc: + :snkd: + :qcf: :atk: :atk:

Bolo Loop!
:s: super jump :qcf: :snkc: :snkc: , repeat until opponent is KO’d

you should add in the bolo loop

Notation please?

blow j’s for jordanman13!

Rofl, thanks dude, just trying to help out

I don’t know the exact notation but going off the vid it just looks like
:snkd: super jump :qcf::snkc::snkc: rinse and repeat

yeah thats the inputs, but u can just tiger knee the inputs after the launcher

If you do you won’t connect. You have to wait.

Oh man, the bolo loop may be the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen in a video game. I need to learn it and start trolling people hard online. Please, PLEASE tell me it works on Sentinel.

It works better on Sentinel than anyone else. >_> The guy is so huge. His legs when floored reach all the way midscreen, so it’s stupid easy to keep it going on him. xD

Is anyone willing to post his combos from the strategy guide?

I would if I had it, but I don’t sorry. And if you’re going to post them, please pu tthem in standard notation, it makes it a whole lot easier to copy. Instead of :d: :qcf: :atk:, just put the words please

Interesting thing about the bolo loop, if you do a corner combo into bolo, Ie getting it off cornered chimichanga, then after one bolo you can tag in a teammate and it will combo.

launcher on the loop!

man those combos look hard! :frowning:

AFTER AIR B,B, C, D into Katana Rama, do u chimmychanga or launch? and is the follwoing C, D in air :/? having trouble

you launch and c and d are in the air and you have to dash to get the katana off if its not in the corner