Whats wrong with my hakan?

Alrighty guys so i have a bit of a problem with my hakan. Nothing is seeming to work with hakan for me, I go into training mode and i practice the different uncrouchable setups and shenanigans. Everything seems to be going fine and im ready to take it online , but nothing works right. For example lets say i go for this setup ( c.hk > f.mp > mk.dive ) 9 out of 10 times it doesnt work right. I usually get some stupid normal or I get hit out of it. I really dont know whats wrong with my hakan. Nothing else really works but hakans tick grab setups. I could really use some advice from all you hakan players on the forums because i really want to play this character and turn into a awesome hakan. P.S I play on psn : KiyoshiTeppei88

Uncrouchables are very unreliable on their own. If you use them too often people will hit you out of them 90% of the time as you mentioned. You have to mix them up with fake setups and meaty attacks.

You are probably being hit out of them because any crouching normal attack will beat an oil dive every single time. It only hits standing targets and jumping targets.

Hmmm i thought uncrouchables was hakans go to setups. Thanks for the info , Do any other advice?

Ya, you need to learn to play Hakan without those setups first. Too many Hakans use them as a crutch and win online a lot cause you run into people who don’t play the match up. You play them once and then never see them again. You may have won using those setups but you didn’t actually learn anything because anyone who knows how to deal with those setups will beat you everytime.

Learn all of Hakan’s normals and basic combos. Also Hakan’s best tool when oiled is his ability to cancel his normals during a dash. There is a lots of info about that in these forums so have a poke around and watch some videos.