What's The Most Bodily Functions You've Unleashed At One Time?

I only ask because I just couched, sneezed, farted, and pissed, all at the same time.

I knew a girl in elementary school who claimed she coughed sneezed farted queefed burped pissed and shat at the same time. Fuck, I wish I married her :frowning:

In before rigor mortis

I was hoping this was a beguiled thread what a letdown :frowning:

Never couched before, is that something involving your vagina hoVi3t?

I’ve sneezed and it made me shart once or twice before. That always sucks. Especially when I’m away from home somewhere important or in public. I’ve had to throw boxers away.

And I’ve always wanted to rip a mean old fart mid-orgasm while getting a blowjob, but I’m not that cruel.

WTF Sov…

I’ve heard about the pee/fart option select, but never the Sneeze/shit OS.

Yeah man. I have a loud sneeze, so it usually happens when I’m somewhere in a situation that I don’t want to cause a disruption, so I try to stifle my sneeze. The sudden pressure on my abdomen can force a fart out, and if I’ve had Mexican recently, bad things can happen. That ends up being way more of a disruption than if I had just let the sneeze run its course naturally, because now I have to deal with shit in my pants and everyone heard it.

Must not be enough fat chicks to keep him entertained this month.

@ALAZY FOODBAGS or “the guy” in Half Baked.

Guy called in Adam Corolla & Dr.Drew loveline radio show.
Asked if he could poop/ejac same time.

“So, you think this will impress a woman, huh?”

Dr Drew said no. They’re both contractions. Drop the call. Go to break.

Forum wise, weird people. This guys joke thread to a poop/pee which one first question or poll or some shit. He said both, like a ‘Frozen Yogurt dispenser from Hell / of doom.’ Reply: “Remind us to never buy froyo if you are behind the counter, sicko.”

& finally, a sneeze + cough at the same time fucking hurts.
& Post Script: Blood Sweat Tears, all at the same time might hurt.


fucking guile
is intrigued and watching…



sick. vomit and hajouukens at the same time, because “trade.”
& ryu turning into the poofy hair ripoff dudes of world heroes

Oh before I forget @Million



this came up in my search for dookie signal…

i was eating when i opened that… back to eating i guess

uh, I’ve peed, shat and vomited at the same time but I had a vicious stomach virus. so I guess 50% of the credit goes to said virus.
you still win Sovi3t.

Infinite, since my body is composed of infinite functions since it is made out of infinite parts which are all functioning in tandem of each other.

I win, Soviet.

Norovirus. I’ve caught it twice in the past two years. Both during February. Before that I never had to contemplate whether I should shit in the toilet and vomit in the trash can or sink; hold in the shit and vomit in the toilet, or strip naked and stand in the shower and let it all flow. The first time I went to ER because I thought I was dying. They gave me IV drip to rehydrate then charged me 3k.

Waiting for Sov13t to post some story of how he left a hot carl while jizzing on a fat chick giving him a boob job while sneezing at the same time.

I cried once

well I have a few “accidental shit during sex” stories…

and I have farted during sex. It was loud, and I giggled after. I was going down on a broad, so my ass was up in the air. Sounded like a brass instrument going off. I don’t think she found it quite as funny as I did.