What's the difference between the TES and TES+?

I just picked one of these up (https://www.amazon.com/Super-Street-Fighter-Arcade-FightStick-Tournament/dp/B0038KUNII?th=1)


Is there any difference between this and the TES+? If I wanted to get new artwork for it, is it the same template as the TES+?
Any major differences?

Te-s+ is a ps4 model, also has a moved turbo panel (so you would need a different plexiglass pattern). It’s also more prone to PCB issues than the one you bought.

What PCB issues? I have a TES+ and haven’t read anything.

Is there an art template from FocusAttack that works with the TES?

Lots of sticking inputs. If yours isn’t doing it, don’t worry about it.

Yep. https://www.focusattack.com/artwork-plexiglass/fa-plexworks/fightstick/madcatz/

Thank you.

so, would this be the art - https://www.focusattack.com/artwork-print-and-cut-for-madcatz-te-round-1-round-2-te-s-for-xbox-360/
or this one

and these plexis

do I need the Plexi or does this have exiting Plexi I can use?

You need the plexi.
TE, TES, and TES+ don’t have any existing plexis; the art is printed on this flexible plastic that IS the top layer.

That’s a beautiful stick you got there, I remember mad catz did a reprint after couple years, because it was in so much demand

You gonna need the full template and the full plexi, tek innovations has them aswell

Thanks, that’s helpful.

the black SSF4 one?

If you remove the thick plastic that the stock art is printed on, you can use the regular size plexi and templates, but then you will need a TE bezel.