My brother and I are playing in the same room trying to find others to play with. He’s on a laptop while I’m on a desktop. He’s a silver and I’m a gold. The odd thing is, he keeps finding gold players and I keep finding silver. What’s the deal with that? I go on long streaks while earning little point with this matchmaking. Has anyone seen this pattern to which silver players will find golds and gold player will find silver? I went 10+ games straight finding only silvers on ranked. My assumption is that matchmaking is broken.
I wish I knew. This week alone, I have maybe only fought 2 people in ranked at or below my rank. Everyone else, at least one or two ranks above.
I also switched characters, so my LP is down in flames…and still nothing but way higher opponents.
I don’t think there is one. I’m trying to learn a new character, and keep getting thrown against plats, ultra golds, whatever else… you’d think the game would factor in my new char is under level 10 and everybody I’m playing is over 50, but nope. I’ve dropped down into silver and still get exactly the same matches I was getting at the end of season 1
I’ve basically quit playing again. I’ll take offline games the couple times a month I can get them. This game is not getting better at all.
Whatever it is it’s complete and utter shit. And matchmaking algorithms are easy peasy to write too. I could improve the matchmaking code by a bajillion in about a day, probably like a couple hours.
Capcom is the definition of amateur hour.
Idk about the algorithm but there does seem to be heavy restrictions, and they may be time based. I’ve played ranked about three times in the past 2 months for long periods of time and this is what I tend to notice -
The game will try it’s hardest to keep you within your skill bracket, you may face base, super and ultra level of your respective bracket but the game will attempt to find completey even games and it seems to prioritise this over connection quality also, so if the game searched for two pings and one came back at 30, and the other came back at 60 but it was closer to your skill level I believe the game will pick the latter due to the point differential.
Secondly, I believe there is a timer that widens these restrictions depending on how long you have searched for, or what skill level you currently are. For instance, if you’re a platinum player I believe the skill restrictions are quite strict because there is an influx of platinum players to match with. But if you’re an Ultra Diamond player the restrictions for who you can match with are instantly widened because there isn’t enough of a playerbase at that skill level to find matches. I also believe that depending on how long you have been searching for, the game will widen it’s search parameters by quite a large margin. I remember waiting for around 10 minutes once and getting paired with a bronze player - I was super platinum.
If you’re gold and silver, I assume the game is trying it’s hardest to find you equal levelled opponents and because of the huge amount of players at that level the chances are you won’t be paired even if you’re in the same room with amazing pings to one another.
Im a low ultra gold right now. I’m matching correctly now with golds and sometimes plats. I haven’t seen a silver yet.
they just released a patch that fixed the glitch where people were getting matched outside their skill range
while (true)
//TODO: write match making algorithm
honestly when i can find a match within 5-10 minutes I’m surprised